


0 Reviews


₱ 250 / Person

Royale Place Mall

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    Remarkable Birthday ExperienceCelebrated my birthday last November 22 here. Booked a reservation in less than 10 mins through their online chat support. Their customer service is one of a kind. I had to reschedule 30 mins prior my booking reservation and surprisingly received confirmation within 5 mins (yes, it was that quick and it's very seldom to get a quick response on such short notice). In terms of the dining experience, this place is really commendable considering the pandemic risk. The tables were socially distanced and we even saw how the place were diligently disinfected before we left. It isn't your usual buffet experience because the food will be served to you as you request it. Moreover, the variety of foods from the menu almost complements each other - from steamed to deep fried, savory to sweet. The taste is so unique! I would even remember the first bite of how shrimp and mango complements each other for a savory taste. My favorites go with the dishes mixed with szechuan sauce. And don't forget to try all the desserts!! Do experiment mixing a bit of the dishes, and you'll definitely get a new taste! We were even shocked with the complimentary birthday cake served, I really liked dark chocolate and the flavor of the cake was also unique for a dark chocolate lover like me, esp when combined with their tea (you can order them for an additional fee!). Lastly, I would say that the experience won't be remarkable without the friendly ates and kuyas serving the dishes to us. I would often laugh at my repetitive orders and they'll laugh with us as if we made new friends (it's good that we can know their first names). Thank you Kuya Rogelio, Ate Justine and Ate Rose for making my birthday experience here memorable! Certainly coming back!

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    Dikky Yulianto

    I enjoyed my visit here. The place is Instagram worthy. The wait staff and kitchen staff are well coordinated. I loved watching the Baker as he made freshly baked bread, and I also loved the bread basket. It had sourdough and baguette. The crispy crust and the soft chewy bread... I would keep coming back just for the bread alone. 😍The entire menu was available at 7:30 in the morning, unless of course they ran out of ingredients. I really appreciate the honesty of the staff. An example is when we ordered the Pan-fried Chicken Steak. Our server came out of the kitchen and informed us that the kitchen asked if we can change our order because the available chicken was under sized and they didn't want to compromise on the quality and quantity of the dish. That to me is already a 👍👍👍👍👍. So we did change our chicken dish. In the photo, you'll see the Ribeye Steak. Don't be fooled by the size, because we asked our server to have the steak divided into two, which he gladly had the kitchen do. At first we thought that they would just have the steak cut into two, but they did an even more amazing job. They served it separately. They divided the steak sauce, mashed potato and the French bean into two separate dish. 🤩 Everything we ordered was good and the service even better. I'm definitely coming back to try the other dishes. As per my companions' warnings, I didn't make it to dessert 😭 I'll confess that I single handedly finished the bread basket and even mopped up the butter. Despite their warnings, I couldn't stop eating the bread 😅

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Figaro Location

Second Floor, Royale Place Mall, Don Antonio Drive, Commonwealth Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City

Figaro is located at Second Floor, Royale Place Mall, Don Antonio Drive, Commonwealth Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City. This is a Italian restaurant near the Royale Place Mall. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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