
Brera Delicatessen Park Terraces


8 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Brera Delicatessen Park Terraces Location

Park Terraces G/F, 1918 Arnaiz Avenue, Makati Park Terraces G/F, between Palm Drive and Arnaiz Avenue, Makati, Luzon 1223 Philippines

Brera Delicatessen Park Terraces is located at Park Terraces G/F, 1918 Arnaiz Avenue, Makati Park Terraces G/F, between Palm Drive and Arnaiz Avenue, Makati, Luzon 1223 Philippines. This is a steak restaurant near the Makati.The average price range at Brera Delicatessen Park Terraces is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Brera Delicatessen Park Terraces is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Makati area. There are different kinds of food in Brera Delicatessen Park Terraces that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 2 478 7384.

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Brera Delicatessen Park Terraces Reviews


8 Reviews

  • Sarah Avina Fajrina


    We've ran out of eateries in the Glorietta and Greenbelt areas in Makati. Fortunately, my daughter remains in Recreation area Terraces and recommended this eating place situated at the bottom floor of the condominium. As soon as you step in the restaurant, the smell offood cooking wafts to the entranceway. It prepares you for a good meal. As you await your purchase to be served, a breads basket with different alternatives is served. We continually appreciate a cafe serving good bread. We'd pizza, pasta and skewered steak. The pizza has been excellent. You need to eat it although it is hot/hot. The skewered steak offered with rice and grilled veggies was also excellent. Very tender meats and rice therapy was tasty. The pasta’s sauce had been a bit on the lovely side. It is offered differently and huge. The wine listing was extensive. And what I love about it is they have open up bottles. So I could try first before buying a bottle. There were hardly any patrons in a Sunday evening which we liked. We've very young grandchildren which gave us the chance to just appreciate them without disturbing various other guests. We shall definitely be back.

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  • Serife Blbl


    BRERA's meaning inside our own way B-rilliant ideas about menu selection R-elaxing Internal of the restaurant E-xcellent food presentation and beautiful taste R-eliable (Ingredients are Genuine) A-ccommodating and Understanding personnel, PAOLO the owner who's always available and willing to help was SUPERB (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).At no stage of our dining knowledge we were disappointed as soon as we entered the cafe till enough time we still left. The hospitality and the heat of all staff are everywhere.

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  • Umutcan Aslan


    Decor of the eating place differs from the others in your community. Similar to the delis in THE UNITED STATES with meats prominently displayed. Your wine selection were extensive given the amount of bottles noticeable to diners. It had been lunchtime therefore we shared acouple of sausages and the spaghetti carbonara. That is uniquely offered in a casserole protected with a thin level of loaf of bread. All were tasty. For my flavor the better sausage had been the bacon covered one. Also attempted a Turkish lager - an initial for me personally but no complaints right here. It’s on the pricier aspect for local standards plus they cost for the branded drinking water!

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  • Asry Achy


    Emerged through here solo for the late lunch. Fairly silent, the majority of the patrons had been also single customers. Atmosphere is nice. A little eclectic but comfortable. Menus selection is interesting even though menu presentation might use some assist, the laminate bedding on band links isa little bit clumsy and challenging to manage. Some images of the menu products would help immensely. I actually had a beer unique to the area and also the recommended what We burger. Quality of the meats and ingredients is quite high. Presentation was done well as well. My meat was slightly undercooked and I came across the traditional burger to become a bit boring regardless of the delicious ingredients, I came across myself desperate to have tried something even more adventurous such as their French burger or perhaps a steak. It sensed like there is more breads than needed, Portions had been quite large aswell, I didn’t get anyplace near completing my plate. Altogether a curious location that may have been a miss. Maybe the next time and as time passes it’ll be considered a nice small gem in the overly commercialized glorietta. Nice location and I am hoping they ensure it is through the developing pains.

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  • Farah Noor S


    If you are searching for Italian Restaurant in Makati, this is actually the best choice without question, the Pizza are actually tasty, pasta served with wonderful presentation, aged steak have become very nice ... in case you are Italian meals lover, USUALLY DO NOT MISS IT.

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