
Shakey's Glorietta


6 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Shakey's Glorietta Location

Parkway Drive 2nd Level, Glorietta 3, Ayala Center, Paseo De Roxas, Corner Legaspi Village, Makati, Luzon 1226 Philippines

Shakey's Glorietta is located at Parkway Drive 2nd Level, Glorietta 3, Ayala Center, Paseo De Roxas, Corner Legaspi Village, Makati, Luzon 1226 Philippines. This is a Pizza restaurant near the Makati.The average price range at Shakey's Glorietta is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Shakey's Glorietta is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Makati area. There are different kinds of food in Shakey's Glorietta that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 6328942253.

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Shakey's Glorietta Reviews


6 Reviews

  • Riska


    We took out there my wife's category of 10 plus we to this location for dinner. Overall booking was for 12 persons. Location reaches Glorietta 3 on the next floor. We ordered among their special group foods which contains 2pizzas (we ordered a different one at additional expense) carbonara, spaghetti, fried poultry and wedges and 3 bottles of pepsi. The very best part was the price was under 4000Php for your group. The prawn pizza was nice but overall I came across the meals quite average. Our feminine server was delightful and taken care of our group perfectly.

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  • Wira Sudjana Halim


    Pizza, wings and beer the 3 basic food groupings. There’s a number of food to pick from and incredibly family friendly place. The pizzas both angus and pepperoni certainly are a strike. One pitcher of beer had been only 320 pesos. Service was quick even during dinnerrush period.

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  • Coolajoe


    For anybody who are unfamiliar with Filipinos, they do things their very own way. Shakey's will be pretty near American design pizza, but with a Filipino flair. That's not a negative thing, just various that what you enable you to. Theirsteak pizza with sprinkled fried potatoes at the top is undoubtedly my most beloved pizza they do. I'd choose a thicker crust, nonetheless it is still good. Now, for non-Filipinos, avoid the spaghetti. The noodles are usually good, however they sauce is similar to a sweetened ketchup. But that's spaghetti in the Philippines generally. Overall, I love Shakey's. I'll order again when I'm back the Philippines. Just understand that it could not be everything you are utilized to if you're not Filipino.

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  • Wasin Thammaraksa (วศิน / U Kumara)


    The food may be the standardised Shakey's food, apart from the over oily pasta. What create the real difference this is actually the horrible support that reigns. You'll easily find 6-8 folks of the staff speaking round the cashier, without caring concerning the clients behind, andyou will need to wave your hands, operate, or shout out just to order, obtain the refill or even your bottomless iced tea, or require the bill. You merely don't expect this behaviour from the effectively known multinational brand. And giving them the advantage of the question, i tried the same restaurant many times (since i reside in the region), week days or 7 days end days, peak lunch time/dinner period or in the center of the afternoon, buttery individual time, the problem is always exactly the same.

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  • Rhie


    I actually visited the Ayala Tower for company plus they had ordered pizzas, pastas and sides from here. I really believe there are places in the US, however, not in the Midwest, where I’m from. This pizza has been unique and very great. Must attempt the Angus pizza!!Wish I possibly could have some at this time.

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