
Don Henrico's


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Don Henrico's Location

2nd Floor, Glorietta 2 Glorietta Complex, Makati, Luzon Philippines

Don Henrico's is located at 2nd Floor, Glorietta 2 Glorietta Complex, Makati, Luzon Philippines. This is a Pizza restaurant near the Makati.The average price range at Don Henrico's is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Don Henrico's is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Makati area. There are different kinds of food in Don Henrico's that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 2 511 1542.

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Don Henrico's Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Joan C.


    Undoubtedly my worst stop by at any restaurant within the Philippines. Ordered what i believed was a straightforward order of simply pizza and an App. App arrived in no time however the pizza in no way arrived. They kept informing us it was arriving, but theyhad forgot to place it in. By enough time we were prepared to leave they stated it would you need to be 5 a lot more min. we boxed it up and left. Nevertheless charged for the [izza

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  • Ben Tamayo


    Ordered Marco Polo - Poultry and pasta are usually both overpowering in my own taste bud. Poultry sauce and poultry were great combination.

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  • Rianne Karisa Lumabao


    The final time I ate at Don Henrico's was at Libis in 1999, and I thought it had been good then. I purchased a couple of coupons from MetroDeal now me and my partner visited the Glorietta 2 branch to possess lunch utilizing the coupon.My wife purchase the Columbus platter whilst I had the individual ribs with corn and carrots and rice. My purchase was horrible.. The ribs had been very challenging, the sauce has been unimaginable. The diced carrots and corn was tough like these were raw. The only pleasurable had been the rice. At the very least it was cooked properly, but was far therefore not like that which was in the picture. My wife's purchase was significantly less than horrible than mine. The poultry meat alone, minus the pores and skin and sauce, tasted like Poultry Pleasure. The sauce of the poultry was very fairly sweet. The pasta has been over prepared, the salad was alright. We had lunch previous 1pm and there have been vert few clients. The personnel were courteous but really noisy especially those that were having lunch time within the dining region enclosed with a divider. Overall, I'm disappointed with this experience. The owner must check his/her company personally and much more often.

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  • Tzeh Sioson- Manahan


    Excellent ambiance and well-lighted cafe. Staff were pleasant and accommodating. Must attempt - buffalo wings! It's been a family preferred. Their pizza and pasta are usually okay.

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  • Janric Paller


    We ordered their pizza exclusive Don Henrico's and salad with sharp chicken. The salad function with honey mustard as dressing. The crispy poultry toppings was only couple of a bite size. Great place to get a pizza.

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