


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Gubat Location

CP Garcia St Diliman Bonsai Society, Quezon City, Luzon 1107 Philippines

Gubat is located at CP Garcia St Diliman Bonsai Society, Quezon City, Luzon 1107 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Gubat is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Gubat is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Gubat that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Gubat Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Kadkaf


    Hidden from the busyness of Quezon City business district will be this gem Gubat. They provide affordable pinoy meals served in a banana leaf similar to the foods served in Kusina Luntian in Baler Aurora. Employees is insanely helpful and welcoming. A trip wouldntbe complete without obtaining a photo of the infamous Banayad Whiskey promoted by the King of Humor himself Dolphy.

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  • Linda Agustin


    A romantic dining experience. They offer great food. The atmosphere is refreshing because of its gubat-ish aura.

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  • Adam Rinaldi


    Its not just a fancy location. Its as if you are consuming in the backyard by the hands. No plastic material gloves to be supplied nor plates. Foods is offered in a banana leaf. Drinks were work in a little jar. Without all of the these utensils...naman....the meals...simple andyet tasty..specifically their lechin kawali....with enough quantity of fats that melts within the mouth area which taste like milk and the crispy skin..mmmm and the rice with adobo sauce at the top...the medial side dish of paco salad rather than so salty salted egg...just what a combination...after that partner it along with calamansi juice along with oregano results in...it made my day time...

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  • Dennish Tjandra


    My boy has been telling me concerning this place hidden inside of U.P. for quite a while now. He uncovered “Kusina Luntian” in Baler very first and found out there is a branch called “Gubat” within the Diliman Bonsai Community in C.P. Garcia. I finally surely got to tastewhat Joshua has already been raving about. The wooden sign “Gubat” melds in to the bamboo door therefore the place may be difficult to acquire. Inside the gate, you can find more bonsai, simple wood tables and colanders for lights. I especially like this there exists a shelf surrounding the guts lamp holding assorted textbooks to read, which includes George R. R. Martin’s “THE OVERALL GAME of Thrones”. The menu is easy. Josh chose Lechon Kawali, Luigi, Adobong Baboy and I, the Piniritong Isda. Each meal was included with half of a salted egg, adobo rice and cucumber salad. Josh had been disappointed since it usually was included with pako salad, rather than the cucumber which he disliked. Most of us enjoyed our foods on banana results in, NO PLATES! NO UTENSILS! I cheated because I got ordered leche flan also it was included with a teaspoon that i used to consume with. My only caveat will be provide insect repellant if mosquitoes are drawn to you. And if you should employ the rest space, you will have to flush the bathroom . with a tabo of drinking water or two. Besides that, the area is charmingly rustic, inexpensive and the food is fairly good. I wouldn’t brain coming back, bringing my very own spoon and fork to utilize!!!

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  • Dr.nyoman Suparta


    Right by the entry to the Diliman Bonsai Culture together CP Garcia Avenue, this eating place has a no-frills method of food: self-service counter (small but classic menus), sit at among the make change tables and stools, clean the hands, devour your purchase when itarrives sans plate or even utensils. The lechon kawali was perfectly tender, crispy and went perfectly with the pako (fern salad), tomatoes and salted egg. When I poured their homemade vinegar at the top, that has been it - the best flavorfest in my own mouth. They have other meals too, including fish choices and unusual sides like burong kanin. Wash everything down with their natural and organic drinks including calamansi juice and iced turmeric tea. I cannot wait around to use their other dishes!

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