
Olives Restaurant


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

  • Greek

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Olives Restaurant Location

Pennsylvania Avenue Thunderbird Poro Point, San Fernando La Union, Luzon 2500 Philippines

Olives Restaurant is located at Pennsylvania Avenue Thunderbird Poro Point, San Fernando La Union, Luzon 2500 Philippines. This is a Greek restaurant near the San Fernando.The average price range at Olives Restaurant is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Olives Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the San Fernando area. There are different kinds of food in Olives Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 72 888 7777.

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Olives Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

  • ChubbyChicDoyanMakan


    Perfect meals have a perfect view, for me. And this vacation didn't disappoint at all. Olives Restaurant is situated inside Thunderbird Resort within La Union. Employees are attentive and hot. Food is excellent but somewhat pricy. The look at is West Philippine Ocean. Itsnot big sufficient to accommodate a big crowd though.

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  • Tayyar Kaykusuz


    Best spot to dine during Thunderbird Resort. Wide selection of foods from Appetizers to Dessert. Adore the Thunderbird Ice lotion!

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  • Mustafa Küçük


    Breakfast spread isn't as extensive. The most common egg, bacon, breads, rice is there. It really is filling and great but not as thrilling. We did not consume there during our remain since it was closed whenever we arrived during lunchtime. It had been a Friday.We were brought however with their cafe and just had sandwiches.

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  • Nesrin Akpınar


    I & a few of my friends made a decision to eat there one afternoon. We were surprised once the guard at the entry of the holiday resort informed us that people need to pay P500.00 at the hotel’s front table, P300.00 which is “consumable” & the restis treated being an “entry fee.” I came across the idea absurd because we’re there to consume & pay up anyway. So, as soon as we’re seated we ordered our entrees. My salmon has been alright, so were my close friends’ orders. Nothing extraordinary. By the end of our dinner, we were thinking a similar thing: we’re not as well excited to come back there if they charge extra merely to breathe their atmosphere (we paid P800.00 along with our bill + service cost). The “entrance charge” we covered just being there might cover another 3-training course meal. We cant assist but believe that we were milked! The restaurant still supplies a excellent view of the ocean but it’ll set you back.

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  • Gokhancinar


    I had to cover the entrance charge of everyone and the meals is even not good. Furthermore disappointing is the way the employees and the guards deal with walk-in guest. Its as if you are increasingly being discriminated for not really being a hotelguest or perhaps a resort resident. If you are going to ELYU check out San Juan resorts instead. My experience here's so bad that I'll not return back again.

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