
Jamba Juice


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₱ 150 / Person

Ayala Fairview Terraces

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    Entering the place felt like going back in time. Time when you are invited to a banquet at Maria Clara's house, and everyone there are immersed in the oldness and loveliness of Filipino tradition. Entering Cafe Juanita was like opening your lola's baul -- and then being transported to a cornucopia of memories.It was an ala-Noli Me Tangere experience. The antique ambiance was intimidating. From the old-looking chandelier, to the tables, the chairs, the decor, to the music. The people seated were like a different class of men who were of different culture. But before we get too anxious about our stay, we got ourselves a table and skimmed through the menu.Shrimp Gambas - Cafe Juanita's version of Shrimp Gambas means aromatic mushroom and garlic, and fresh, crunchy shrimps sauteed in a delightful harmony of good flavors.Crispy Pork Binagoongan - Although it's got pretty small serving size, it never fails to give me that blissful moment of chewing my favorite Juanita dish. The pork was fried until crisp, while the Bagoong over it was sweet and salty and just perfect. I'm not really a fan of Binagoongan, but the one at this restaurant was so good I thought I got lost in time.Maya Maya sa Miso - First, they served us soup so we can decide how sour and salty we want it. We prefer a really sour Sinigang, and they indeed served us one. The fish was fresh; I liked it even if I am not a fish-lover. The vegetables were also fresh and the flavor of Miso stuck to the fish, the veggies, and my tastebuds, perfectly.Kare-Kare - With its rich texture, good quality meat, fresh vegetables, and bagoong cooked just right, this is absolutely one of the best Kare-Kares in town.

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Jamba Juice Location

Central Garden, Ground Floor, Ayala Fairview Terraces, Novaliches, Quezon City

Jamba Juice is located at Central Garden, Ground Floor, Ayala Fairview Terraces, Novaliches, Quezon City. This is a Beverages restaurant near the Ayala Fairview Terraces. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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