


20 Reviews


₱ 550 / Person

Trinoma Mall

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Dekada Reviews


20 Reviews

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  • Tista Amelia


    We were rushing to look for a place to eat since the mall was already closing and decided to try the food here instead. The ambiance is indeed "dekada" and not in a good way. The lighting is gloomy and the music was painful to the ears since the speaker was broken. There were only w tables that night (ours included) and yet the waitstaff kept disappearing for who knows what reason. I initially ordered the sisig but upon seeing a bad review on website, I quickly had to look for the waitress to change my order (she was nowhere in sight). Another waitstaff then told me that it had already been punched in so it could not be changed and to that I answered "but it hasn't even been cooked yet" so they finally agreed to change my order. Here are the dishes we ordered:Baby squid p218 - cooked well, not tough and tasted quite nice Kare kare p348 - for the amount served, this is way too expensive. It was just filled with a lot of sauce and barely had any meat inside. Waste of money in my opinionBistek tagalog p289 - too salty, I think their chef doesn't taste their food before serving itBagoong rice p328 - this one I enjoyed before realizing how expensive it was! They didn't even have the liempo garnish (they placed bagnet instead). I felt that they didn't have a lot of customers so what would be their excuse for running out of stocks?They also didn't have any coke or sprite in stock which was kinda odd. Overall, I'd say that the experience wasn't totally bad but I probably wouldn't come back anymore.

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  • Zik Lumaguip


    Ambiance good for dates and private meetings with a nostalgic feel of the 70s. It takes a long time for the food to be served, about 15-20 minutes but it's worth the wait. Ordered dinuguan, tapa, chicken barbeque, and palitaw. Everything's on the right taste. On a heavy note, they lack the personnel.

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  • HappyChubby :D


    If you're in search for an authentic Pinoy food with a lot of twist and creativity, Dekada is a perfect place to satisfy you.All the classic Pinoy viand that you crave will bring not just old memories but definitely happiness on you stomach.

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  • Seya Ellis


    Nalungkot ako sa service nila especially sa food. Na servan ako ng kaning lamig, umorder ako ng sparerib sinigang peronlaman kasim, umorder ako palitaw binigay kakarampot na mascuvado, yung design ng pot ng sinigang pang tealight pero walang nakalagay. In a positive note maganda yung restaurant. I wont recommend this to my family and friend. Reciept#0000007552

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  • Happy Island


    It's our grandmother's farewell party and it is me who decided to eat here. The ambiance is good, the theme is great, the service good, their menu is incredible (describing the filipino history). We ordered general luna's chicken, crispy pata, adobo chicken wings, kare-kare, laing, bulig, adobo rice, bagoong rice etc. So far all of them is good except the laing. Laing lacks taste. After that I ordered some dessert and surprisingly the plating is wonderfull. The Buko pandan crepe is good, and the taho cheesecake is very good! I will definitely come back next time with some friends.

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Dekada Location

Fourth Floor, Bagong Pag-Asa, North Triangle, Metro Manila

Dekada is located at Fourth Floor, Bagong Pag-Asa, North Triangle, Metro Manila. This is a Philippine restaurant near the Trinoma Mall. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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