
-Calle Preciousa Seafood Dampa Palutuan


8 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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-Calle Preciousa Seafood Dampa Palutuan Reviews


8 Reviews

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  • Izzitrix


    1 - Menus: it's outlined in the menus but majority aren't available, even the easiest food like fruit isn't available to believe that they are usually near a large market in Pasig 2- Time to function: their kitchen will be able to prepare the foodbased on estimated period they offered us (around 15 mins) but what they didn't reveal is that the meals that is cooked will await another 15-20 mins before it really is served! The waitress at the counter understand that the meals that came out from the kitchen windows will be ours but she appeared never to know what to accomplish. She waited for another server ahead in just to inquire him if she can currently serve our meals. Oh my! 3 - Coaching: the servers must receive training. The direction they coordinate collectively is quite loose. Customers wouldn't normally want to request a server whose encounter is definitely puzzled and going to scratch their heads for devoid of answers. In fairness with their cooks, their food taste great but when you have a mediocre coordination on to the floor, customers will not keep coming back. Who would desire to eat cold food.

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  • Satya Mohanty


    Went here to use a few of their seafood offerings and the thought of seafood paluto put on the center of Pasig City noises interesting. The place is good with ambiance of a genuine Filipino restaurant that reflecta from their indigenous decors. The backyard although notthat large is decent plenty of to hold a romantic gathering. The parking region is impressively big. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no wifi when I check out. The meals is okay. Nothing actually extraordinary but decent sufficient in case you are craving for homecooked foods. I've attempted the prawn and the salmon stomach which were both great. The mussels in obvious ginger soup will be forgettable.

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  • Naufal Maulana


    My family and We came here to celebrate my birthday celebration. It was a Fri and there's traffic almost everywhere so I made a decision to just treat my children in this cafe since its just one single tricycle ride from the house in Pasig. We ordered prawns, mussels, salmonbelly, and poultry. The prawns and poultry were prepared buttered, mussels had been baked with cheese and sinigang for the salmon tummy. The meals tasted superb! I adored all of them! The best has been the buttered prawns in spicy taste. The sauce had been sooo good! :) The ambiance was excellent. We arrived there around 5:00 pm and we had been the only real group there. Based on the waiter there has been an event held previously and I believe we were the initial customers following the event. The area became packed rapidly for supper at around 7pm. The service was good too. The waiter experienced accommodated us from selecting the fresh seafoods and also stayed at the backyard in the event we needed anything. For the cost, I think its just a little above average. Our expenses was P2000 for several 6. However the food tastes excellent therefore i was still satisfied. Will I keep coming back? Yes, but limited to special occasions I believe. :)

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  • Muhamad Alfian


    Actually all of the seafood stores you can find scammer. Especially you're a foreigner. If you don't know the normal selling price of the seafood. Don’t problem it. They cost it 5,6 occasions of expensive compared to the normal market. Although the dining places are honest costhey simply cook everything you bring to them. Actually you can find nothing special. Only a place of lots of tricky seafood shops. Finally you merely need to pay a lot more than any better seafood dining places in the city. There are a great number of much better seafood restaurants with an increase of wonderful new seafood in Manila. Like Seafood Marketplace, Tao Yuan or Yue Lai in Malate. Honest and cheaper cost. No worry to become cheated. You don't need to negotiate. If you still desire to challenge, check the purchase price and excess weight of all you chose. Actually the purchase price is still greater than other much better seafood dining places in the town. Calculate on your own. Otherwise they rip-off you 3-4 periods higher. Just go and get some pictures. After that eat in another places.

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  • Aulia Nur Rahmi


    It was as an oasis discovered perfect at the city's busy district at Dr.Antonio Sixto Ave., don't skip the change left at the internal lane in case you are via C5. The atmosphere and the setting will be common of the Tagaytay nooks nearby.We tried there buttered-shrimps inside honeylemon dips, calamares and the sinigang salmon stomach. We relished the sauce of the new shrimps which were rightly prepared. The calamares was typical and the sinigang packed us to the brim! We loved the quickness of the waitstaff with a good button-command using one of the indigenous huts. The area is a welcome rest from a busy times work and several moments generate from Makati & Eastwood city. Will certainly recommend to family & buddies to allow them to discover this secret location for diners & lovers aswell.

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-Calle Preciousa Seafood Dampa Palutuan Location

Dr. Antonio Sixto Avenue Brgy. Sagad, Pasig, Luzon 1600 Philippines

-Calle Preciousa Seafood Dampa Palutuan is located at Dr. Antonio Sixto Avenue Brgy. Sagad, Pasig, Luzon 1600 Philippines. This is a Seafood restaurant near the Pasig. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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