
Martabak Cafe


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Martabak Cafe Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Stevany Chandra


    This restaurant could be find at Mall of Asia (ground floor, north wing).. Its offered Malaysia and Indonesian cuisine.. Its has Halal certification.. The purchase price range between inexpensive to middle..

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  • Hasraf Rasul


    You will get lost while shopping at SM Mall because of it's large size, but when it involves dining and you are considering a decent halal spot to eat, there aren't many selections here. Actually, Martabak Cafe may be the just Halal eating placeat SM Mall of Asia. It on the ground flooring beyond your hypermarket where there're a great many other consuming outlets and can't miss it. If you cannot find it, just require Halal if you cannot remember the name & most places will show you here, when i was guided. The dishes are mainly Malaysian, Indonesian or Singaporean style, so if you are a laksa, mee goreng, roti / prata lover then you'll such as this cozy place. I has been even amazed when among the employees spoke Malay though I wasn't certain if she had been the owner

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  • Olivia Resty Amallia


    We'd dinner here after purchasing at Mall of Asia. The meals is delicious and an excellent cost. I had Combo 3 with poultry satay, beef rendang, rice, spup and iced tea. My partner loved the veggie fried rice. Strongly suggested in case you are atMall of Asia.

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  • Mega Agnesty Anjasmoro


    They cater Malaysian-Indonesian foods. . . menu brands are befitting however the flavor is so-so as genuine Malay-Indonesian cuisine, or possibly just used to genuine tastes of foods in Bali and KL... In fairness, I even now enjoyed my meal at Martabak, taste is great butnot as genuine Malay or Indonesian food, something lacks . . .

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  • Bikoy


    First things first, because the above title and it’s located at levels 1 of MOA. The service was great therefore were the meals. My family was extremely excited to test this place directly after we returned from Tagaytay where we didn’t possess anyhalal resto to visit. This placed served a significant spread and we required the bundle best for 6 pax and bottomless ice tea. Everything served has been excellent except that the ala carte nasi goreng had been a little to lovely for our tastebuds. Kids loved electronic martabak and so do I! I would suggest this to anyone specifically so to my Muslim siblings going to Manila. The beef soup completely topped our supper that night! Side take note: The owner wedded a Filipino and when I’m not wrong he's got been keeping there for nearly 13 years. Short chat, but really worth it!

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Martabak Cafe Location

SM Mall of Asia, Pasay, Luzon Philippines

Martabak Cafe is located at SM Mall of Asia, Pasay, Luzon Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Pasay. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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