
Gerry's Grill


5 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Gerry's Grill Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Margret Tanigawa


    Saw this small cafe about the shuttle bus to your hotel. We'd the fried poultry and turkey golf club sandwich. The program was great. Was seated and offered right away. The meals was served in an acceptable amount of period. There is a leak fromthe roofing with a little bucket catching it close by. Could not see that back but no big offer. Overall good encounter would was here once again.

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  • Rhine Heart


    Amazing foods! BBQ, sinigang and the spicy cheese sticks had been amazing!!!! This specific location is situated walking distance from the lot of resorts, we were residing at Manila Marriott whenever we heard bout this location, this wasn't my very first Gerry's grill expertise but itwas my Husband's. He cherished it there and actually enjoyed everything. Our just complaint was our preliminary server disappeared for a long period, we didn't understand what's happening until we questioned another server for drinking water. We discovered that our server had been off the clock, yup! Terrible conversation, he started a desk and just left. In any case, we got a fresh waiter and he has been very useful and efficient. Oh, there is a couple of flies outside therefore, if you would like uninterrupted dinner, stay inside.

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  • Kim Cabrera


    I was residing at the Marriott and made a decision to try Gerry's Grill. place to that's not in the close by mall or in a resort you should look at Gerry’s. They have an extremely large menu that will have somethingof everybody in your party. The meals and service was excellent and meals here can cost you not nearly as expensive in a hotel restaurant. FYI, his is really a chain with several locations thus there are plenty more reviews.

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  • Arvin Lee


    I usually love Gerry's Grill. But when you have limited time and energy to spare for meals, i dont actually suggest this location. The waiting period is too much time. I understand as the location is crowded, nonetheless they dont seem to absence manpower. I dont getit, an individual helping of sizzling bangus got them 45mins to serve. It had been delicious though.

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  • Rome Nicolas


    We’re still at the cafe but very poor service. Meals delay. Even beverages they forgot that I purchased until I cancelled it. Not heading back.

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Gerry's Grill Location

Butterfly Garden Resort Drive Newport City, Pasay, Luzon 1309 Philippines

Gerry's Grill is located at Butterfly Garden Resort Drive Newport City, Pasay, Luzon 1309 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Pasay. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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