
888 Viber Bar and Resto


3 Reviews



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888 Viber Bar and Resto Reviews


3 Reviews

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  • Gino Serrano


    The area is cozy and the ambiance enables you to feel like you're in the home, located in Pasay and a leave from Taft. Go to the place at night time so you obtain the opportunity to dine beyond your roof. They assist filipino favorites like Tapsilogand all Silogs. Evening per night, an area band play here, if you are usually upto this sort of service simply dine inside. There exists a parking lot as well behind the vicinity.

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  • Milo


    I visited this place several times around early January before that they had this carnival-like times of performances. I believe the final time I was right here was when an incredible band Kalayo played plus some students furthermore did some painting work on the spot.Gleam good gallery upstairs though uncertain whether it's open for the general public. (Somebody toured me before when I inquired on how best to get events here.) Price of meals is fairly expensive considering it isn't in an exceedingly commercial region (but I assume this has related to a little Korean community surviving in the region). What I would recommend though may be the sushi bar - the main one who serves right here has in fact worked in even more prestigious hotels and also served Japanese dignitaries. Just how he prepares and acts sushi and sashimi is actually authentic, fast, refreshing and even slices. Music here's great still without live band because they play music movies! If you're a lover of the older MTV era, then pay out a visit as you will see them though not really child friendly because they also play brand-new MTVs (I nearly cringed and choked viewing "Bubble Butts" movie while eating). BUT PLEASE! CAGE YOUR BIG Pet dogs! They scare visitors to enter and which includes someone who even would prefer to indulge like me. I indulged before hundreds for sashimi and sushi right here but I cannot go back for worries of the big canines running to method you and barking mad. It is a bar, not just a detention region. Add letting them close to the doorway or approaching outside diners will get uncomfortable or even also unsanitary.

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  • Adrian Dean Sarmiento


    Crackers place - large location inside with an excellent garden under trees out there with a whole selection of Guinea Foul, Fantail Pigeons and a huge Hawk roaming around. Guess it will be poor for Mozzies during the night - outdoor phase for band - opens 4pmish

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888 Viber Bar and Resto Location

1726 Leveriza St, Pasay, Luzon 1300 Philippines

888 Viber Bar and Resto is located at 1726 Leveriza St, Pasay, Luzon 1300 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Pasay. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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