
Max's Restaurant


10 Reviews


₱ 450 / Person


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Business hours
  • Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00

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Max's Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Kiky Lestari


    May you be with your friends or family, Max's is a good place to eat. They offer value meals and food for sharing. At first, I'm not really enticed with the look of their chicken as it looks dry but when I tried it with their ketchup and Worcestershire sauce, it's surprisingly good.

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  • Michelle Hardiyanto


    Who doesnt know Max? Its older than most of us. The chicken still has the same taste but its size gets smaller everytime i visit. Since we have tried lots of fried chicken in the metro, now i find max's chicken dry. They also need to improve their cakes. their caramel bars are the only thing they should sell in their bakery.

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  • Smita Amaranggana


    We were craving for Filipino food and what suddenly comes first to mind is Max's! We missed their delicious fried chicken..."sarap to the bones!" We also ordered their classic bestseller pansit canton and their new vegetable on the menu tofu with minced eggplant which was ridiculously yummy! Serving is good for 5 pax per order. My daughter's favorite is their chicken arroz caldo, always a winner!

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  • Çağatay Demirağ


    My parents were craving for good Filipino food and the first thing they thought of was Max's. We ordered their Whole Max's Fried Chicken, Chopsuey, Kare-Kare, Camaron Rebosado, Chicken Sisig, Potato Salad, Mango Shake, Buko Pandan Shake, Ube Leche Flan Shake, and Dessert Sampler. For the main viands, my favorite was the Camaron Rebosado. The batter of the shrimps were fried perfectly and it tasted really good with or without its partner sauce. Plus, you could eat the wonton bowl, which my youngest brother and I loved so much. For the chicken, I still don't think it's the best out there. Without ketchup, the meat tasted really bland. For the others, they were really good as well but they were not something I would look forward to eating again.For the drinks, I wasn't able to taste any of them because I had a cold that day. The highlight of our dinner, in my opinion, would have to be the dessert sampler. I loved everything about it. especially the ube panna cotta-looking one. My father, who's not very big on eating desserts, even enjoyed that sampler as well; that's how good it was.

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  • Lyxen Tan


    I was craving for Max’s famous chicken, but this time I wanted to try something different. Spring Chicken Meal (P289) consisting of:- Soup of the Day (Chicken and Asparagus Soup)- One-Half Spring Chicken- Steamed Rice or Rolls, additional P22 for garlic rice- Glass of Iced Tea or Pepsi- Caramel BarThe Chicken and Asparagus soup has tender slices of chicken with crunchy asparagus. This, combined with the creamy broth, is a warming starter. The chicken itself has a thin, crispy skin and tender, buttery meat. I suggest adding an extra P22 to get garlic rice instead because it is also buttery to complement the chicken. And do not be sparing with the banana ketchup either. Its sour tang is perfect for the juicy, buttery chicken.The Crispy Pata (Regular P599; Large P729; Family P809) includes crunchy bits of pata and sliced fried bananas on rice. This is great with or without the spiced soy sauce that comes with the dish.

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Max's Restaurant Location

Second Floor, Glorietta 2, Ayala Center, Glorietta Complex, Makati City

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  • Indoor

Max's Restaurant is located at Second Floor, Glorietta 2, Ayala Center, Glorietta Complex, Makati City. This is a Philippine restaurant near the Glorietta. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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