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SM Center Las Piñas

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Similar Restaurants in Las Piñas

  • Bistro Manuel


    • Europe

    Second Floor, Six Axis Center, 4347 B. Valdez Street, Poblacion, Makati City

    Yiyeni Severim

    I admit, I haven't been to a lot of fine dining restaurants on my own. Why? Budget, companions, and that fear of getting embarrased for not knowing the right stuff to eat.Thanks to my website community and their slew of invites, I get to experience high class dining while I'm with good friends.So here I was in Bistro Manuel, a new restaurant created by Chef Ariel and Mia Manuel of Lolo Dad's fame. For those of us who don't know, yes including me, Lolo Dad's was helmed by Chef Ariel Manuel, it was located in Malate but had to close down. Now, I call it a blessing in disguise since Chef Ariel and his wife Chef Mia has put up Bistro Manuel, a restaurant all their own, to showcase their own masterpieces for the new generation of websites to enjoy.Lunch was very proper, starting with amuse bouche and freshly baked bread with butter, compliments of Chef Ariel himself.Next, we were served 2 espresso cups in neat fancy boxes. At first I didn't know what to do but the curious cat in me just took a sip of each cup. I was blown away. These were soups, and you can down them just like shots! One was tomato based and the other was mushroom cream. I knew I'm in for more treats!The salads came next. We ordered 2 - Romaine Caesar Salad, a classic with some anchovies, pancetta, boiled eggs and some lemon and parmesan dressing; and the Spinach and Warm Mushroom Salad, which had slices of mushrooms, smoked bacon and a roasted garlic vinaigrette dressing. Surprisingly, out of these 2 salads, i gravitated more on the Spinach and Warm Mushroom. It was really that good, and I think the garlic-lover in me enjoyed the difference it made on the tangy dressing.We were treated to a Lolo Dad's classic too! Lolo Dad's Cafe Baked Oysters was a thing of beauty. Served with a twist of delicate angel hair pasta, some melted cheese and a sliver of foie gras, these baked oysters alone are a pleaser. I think I downed 2 of these!Service was impeccable. After a lemony sorbet palate cleanser, we are totally ready for the mains. At first I thought we ordered a lot but I manage to tuck in a little bit of everything on this list:Mild Spice Arabbiata - Penne in tomato sauce with basil, garlic and chili. The hint of chili was overpowering and made the dish more appetizing.Seared Scallops and Scampi - Bechamel-stuffed rigatoni pasta with seared scallops and shrimpsLamb Shawarma Grilled Pizza - A pizza that has that Mediterranean take on it. I was thinking this was made for the International crowd in Poblacion and yes, I was right, this is one of their bestsellers. The pizza has lamb belly, tomato and onions, and served with a yoghurt and chili dip. Very interesting!Only for the Rich Pizza - This pizza is so rich and luxurious, it screams "You don't sit with us!" Luxury does even fit the word to describe its decadence. It has lobster, duck liver, scallops, prosciutto, smoked salmon, carabao milk cheese, and truffled tomato sauce. It looked so pretty, with edible flowers as garnish. Tastewise, everything melded together, and it was truly an indulgence at its peak.Pan-fried Fillet of Salmon - The bacon butter sauce upped the taste of this fillet. Eat with the side of caramelized onions and potatoes, and it's heaven.Roasted Duck Breast - Am not entirely a fan of duck but this Moulard duck was divine. Served with some compressed potatoes and sauce.Lamb and Lamb with Lamb - Absolute one of the stars in this lineup. That's lamb served 3 ways! Roasf lamb rump, stewed lamb breast and fried lamb sweetbrrad with sieved potatoes. Suprisingly, there is no anggo or gamey aftertaste we usually get when eating lamb. Chef Ariel's secret? Best ingredients. No cutbacks. Just fine premium meat to serve to his guests.US Ribeye Prime Steak - No complaints here. Steak was done medium and I couldn't be happier. Served with truffled mash potatoes and chilled hollandaise sauce, this is the steak done right.What's good about the husband and wife tandem of Chef Ariel and Mia, is that Chef Ariel leaves the sweets to Chef Mia. That is her territory and boy, we had the best dessert spread ever! Each dessert was beautifully presented with sugar tuilles and all the fanfare. I can't pick a favorite!Lemon Meringue Pie with Chocolate Ice Cream- Cloudlike meringe pie eated with chocolate ice cream is a dream! Best for sharing!Freshly Baked Apple Tart with Rock salt and Olive Oil Ice Cream- The warm freshly baked tart pairs well with the cold ice cream. The clash of temperatures and textures is always a treat. The ice cream did not disappoint!Baked Cheesecake with Orange in Spiced Syrup- This website is a sucker for cheesecake. I know, right!? The orange and spiced syrup is a welcome addition. The cheesecake itself was sinful!White Chocolate Creme Brulee with Berry Tartlet- One can never go wrong with white chocolate and berries!Tiramisu Souffle with Vanilla Sauce- The coffee-flavored souffle was slowly drizzled with vanilla sauce right in front of us. Plus points for presentation!Declension of Mango and Mascarpone Cheese with Vanilla Frozen Creme and Dulce de Leche Sauce- I will order this again, but I won't share! Hahahaha I didn't know mango and mascarpone go well together. This was a total treat on its own.You wouldn't think a restaurant serving fine contemporary cuisine can be found in Poblacion. Chef Ariel and Mia prove us wrong. It might be tucked away on the 2nd floor of a building, not as loud as other big brand restaurants out there. I felt this was reminiscent of Lolo Dad's fame. A quiet bistro that offers exceptionally crafted dishes, they are slowly making some noise in the website community, with their wonderful food and impeccable service and how Chef Ariel himself builds relationships with his guests and patrons. He opens Bistro Manuel too as a place good for notable events and functions, maybe it be big or small, all depending on the client's budget, with a customizable menu, with chef recommendations. Imagine THE Chef Ariel Manuel cooking for your holiday gatherings or business meetings?! Definitely a great idea!✔️ Bistro ManuelPoblacion Makati

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  • Warung Kapitolyo


    • Indonesia

    83 East Capitol Drive, Kapitolyo, Pasig City

    Jeffrey Rusios

    Eating at Warung brings back fond memories of a trip to Bali or Indonesia in general. Homey feel paired with the some of the nicest staff and gracious owner going around engaging with some loyal and new customers. Would always be a top choice when around Kapitolyo.

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Zagu Location

First Floor, SM Center, Alabang-Zapote Road, Talon, Las Pinas City

Zagu is located at First Floor, SM Center, Alabang-Zapote Road, Talon, Las Pinas City. This is a Beverages restaurant near the SM Center Las Piñas. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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