
Coffee Project


10 Reviews


₱ 250 / Person

Evia Lifestyle Center

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  • Sunday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Monday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 22:00

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Coffee Project Reviews


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  • Yessica Oktaviani Halim


    Loved the atmosphere and design of the café - it was cozy and aesthetic. Me and a friend only tried their Matcha Green Tea Frappe and Dark Chocolate Frappe, and it was okay but a bit too sweet. The Matcha was only sweet and did not carry any of the bitter green tea taste. The Dark Chocolate was also just sweet and tasted more like regular chocolate. I've yet to try the food and non-frappe beverages, but from what I've tasted, they like their beverages sweet. I, on the other hand, don't like my drinks too sweet, so I guess it's a matter of personal preference. Will come again to try more of their drinks.

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  • Rafael Vincent Tanuwijaya


    I first discovered Coffee Project last year when instagram was abuzz with this garden themed coffee shop in QC, when i was in the area to watch a show at the ABS CBN compound, I did not miss the chance to try out their branch in front of the studio. To my surprise, their first branch was in Starmall Alabang! It's a small space with an industrial design to it, unlike newer branches which opted to incorporate the more popular garden, outdoor theme. For this sponsored crawl, we tried some of their best sellers and the Summer Drinks. Here's what I sampled:Strawberry Banana smoothie - cool, refreshing and a little bit on the heavy side because of all the whipped cream. You don't mind the added sugar this drink is for you. You can taste the bananas and a faint afterthought of strawberries. For 210pesos for a 'Project' size this is on the pricey side of the fence.Sardine Pasta- 210 Generous servings, enough to share with your petite friend. A little bit of spice, the pasta was al dente.Creamy Pesto and Mushroom Pasta- 210 This is indeed very creamy, did not recall seeing any mushrooms but it is still flavorful.Recommended. Evia Mall Branch is a small kiosk only that serves drinks. Visit their other branches for their full menu.Disclaimer: Sponsored Food crawl by Coffee Project. China

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  • Ronald 'Shin' Jr Liza


    Coffee Project is known for their flower garden interiors which gives people relaxation vibes as they enjoy their coffee and pastries. For this food crawl I was a given a chance to experience this and I must say, it is relaxing and some areas are IG worthy.But ofcourse Im here to try their drinks and food so here are some of them:😍😆😄😅😃🙂😐😑STRAWBERRY VANILLA FRAPPE is refreshingly sweet . Perfect drink/dessert after a meal.😃CREAMY PESTO AND MUSHROOM PASTA was good and the pesto was awesome but the taste was regular.🙂SARDINE PASTA was good also. I like how the sardines was really present when you eat the pasta. Not your usual pasta.😃It will be interesting if I can visit other branches as well soon. Hope they can maintain to consistently satisfy customers from different branches.😉☕🍮🍝

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  • Valensius Calvin


    Wow! That was the word that came out of my mouth after my first ever visit to Coffee Project along Vista Mall in Daang Hari. I went here before to meet a friend but the place has no vacant seat that time so we decided to transfer to another location. If you’re standing outside Coffee Project you wouldn’t think that it was so beautiful inside because all you can see is your reflection through their glass windows.

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  • Cari Cymric


    Coffee is part of my system, I can’t last a day without having a good cup of coffee. My wifey and I would usually go to a coffee shop in case we need to meet some friends, work on something or even just to kill time when we have to wait for the traffic to lessen or we’re just too early for an appointment. Our usual go-to cafe in the famous coffee shop that I’m sure we all know.

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Coffee Project Location

Third Floor, Evia Lifestyle Center, Daang Hari Road, Almanza, Las Piñas City

Coffee Project is located at Third Floor, Evia Lifestyle Center, Daang Hari Road, Almanza, Las Piñas City. This is a Cafe restaurant near the Evia Lifestyle Center. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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