
Maitre Chocolatier Boutique Cafe


10 Reviews



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Maitre Chocolatier Boutique Cafe Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Maria Maya Ole


    Right after having lunch at the Lemongrass we went to the Chocolatier for desert and that has been no disappointment. Sadly though evidently one item of the chart (I believe the golden euphoria) was sold-out and my guests informed me that that has been the mostfavorite dish at the area. That is most likely the explanation for this to be sold-out. The chocolate deserts have become good. Among my guest were left with a spicy chocolate mixture that was great. The restaurants has chocolate lunch time dishes aswell but I cannot touch upon those as we didn't have those.

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  • Fanny Agusbrata Widjaja


    I love everything concerning this chocolate boutique. Though they provide a multitude of cuisines, chocolate will be one main ingredient. Meats Pizza with CHOCOLATES is usually one indulgence you shouldn’t miss. Even though you’re at it, deal with you to ultimately their appetizing Light Chocolate Crepe. LinguineinPesto Sauce with Parm Crusted Poultry completes our scrumptious dinner on that time. I really like their food and certainly love their service.

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  • Lia Suniga


    not just a fine place for choco addicts, but an excellent place and to just spending some time catching upward with friends or perhaps a personal period. the menu is focused on chocolates, although i'd prefer should they have their have brand of chocolate instead thana concoction of additional famous brands (i.electronic. ferrero rocher etc.) we tried their halo-halo and i'd say it is the greatest i've tried at an acceptable price. of course, all of those other chocolate menus are something i'd desire to go and attempt. following cebu visit then!

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  • Rc Montalbo


    I stopped in tonite to Maitre Chocolatier and cherished it. I acquired the Sweet Revenge, that is a Lindt chocolates lava cake with vanilla ice lotion. The lava cake has been infused with chili peppers which give is an extremely special and wonderfulkick. I recommend Maitre Chocolatier as a location to avoid after dinner!

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  • Rayfiel Martin Despabiladeras


    had plenty of expectation when we visited this location, their menu had really interesting items inside it however, whenever we asked for espresso we had been informed that not just one coffee item can be acquired, whenever we asked for drinking water they dont possess chilled watereither (within this blistering temperature?) so we requested for ice, thankfully they will have. So i made a decision to require tea.... for a boutique cafe they just carry twinnings :-( they attempted to market chocolate drink not to mention many of us said zero as this might be an excessive amount of in this heat...therefore i had my tea and still left... it completely ruined my curiosity to try some of their meals, im scared ill maintain for more disappointment :-)... provider had not been good either... the employees was embarrassed needless to say and is actually not trained to take care of this situation

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Maitre Chocolatier Boutique Cafe Location

G/F The Terraces, Ayala Cebu Philippines

Maitre Chocolatier Boutique Cafe is located at G/F The Terraces, Ayala Cebu Philippines. This is a Deli restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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