
Happy Cream Puff


5 Reviews



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Happy Cream Puff Location

EDSA and Shaw Boulevard 5f East Wing, Shangrila Mall, Mandaluyong, Luzon 1550 Philippines

Happy Cream Puff is located at EDSA and Shaw Boulevard 5f East Wing, Shangrila Mall, Mandaluyong, Luzon 1550 Philippines. This is a Japanese restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Happy Cream Puff is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Happy Cream Puff is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Happy Cream Puff that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 817-4234.

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Happy Cream Puff Reviews


5 Reviews

  • Ryan Guinto


    The 'cream puff' in its name sort of throws you off as you won't expect they might serve other goodies. Properly, they perform and it's really a mini-Japanese buffet (yes, it is a buffet). Their line up whenever we visited: Organic salad, hot soup, maki, tempura, karaage,tofu, siopao, siomai, pasta, pickled radish, fruits, two kinds of fruit drinks, brewed coffee and all of the cream puff it is possible to eat. What we actually loved is they prepare the lotion puffs refreshing in the store. The service is great although we had to hold back some time after opening time for the staff to complete establishing the buffet. We had been a big team and we valued the employees giving us an exclusive area therefore the group can appreciate lunch and conversations. The purchase price is okay. The area is cozy enough. There is also their own WiFi. We didn't expect it to end up being this great - we won't mind returning.

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  • Havva MIZRAK


    Since i was a youngster. I always love lotion puff. Wherever i move when i notice one pasty store i check up on in. With simply php 100 readily available it was good enough to provide ke 2parts of satisfaction. Prior to going home and strike the sack.

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  • Advice


    This is my head to places whenever I crave once and for all tasting cream puffs. They provide cream puffs in a wide variety of flavors. They fill up your puffs by purchase to keep its freshness. I'd advise to get the lotion puffs by the container becauseit it very cheaper when you get them per piece.

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  • Jessamy


    Happy Cream Puff opened up in Cherry Foodarama! The Welcome Happy Creamy concoction in a a slower dreary location. They offer a wonderful add-on to a Sad Cherry Foodarama... or SM Supermarket contacting itself Sherry Foodarama. A reason for likely to this place.. I am hoping thebusiness wouldn't normally fold.. Some stalls shut out of business.

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  • Zuhal Aytekin


    AMBIENCE Seats have become limited so there is a big opportunity for takeout especially on weekends, although we were able to grab a little table after paying. Location may be the cinema area apparently called Red Carpet today. Remember in order to watch a film withfood or drinks, your alternatives are ONLY the people close to the cinema. It's a vintage rule there but wouldn't hurt to talk about again. BEVERAGES Jasmine GREEN TEA EXTRACT (Hot) was aromatic, soothing, and served scorching; ideal for takeaway. Cocoa with RSC has been enjoyable to drink! Cocoa had been delicious alone but sipping the RSC had been the golden second, sweet and salty since it was. I had been in the bottom of the beverage therefore much RSC was quit for last taste! Utilizing a straw could have been pointless so excellent factor we didn't receive any. We got more familiar with the sip lid, a great experience for just about any milk tea! SERVICE There was a line nonetheless it was okay. Range pace was great and orderly in addition to the beverage prep period felt pretty quick.

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