
Fig Restaurant + Bar


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 10:00 - 12:00
  • Monday: 11:00 - 2:00
  • Tuesday: 11:00 - 2:00
  • Wednesday: 11:00 - 2:00
  • Thursday: 11:00 - 2:00
  • Friday: 11:00 - 2:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 2:00

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Fig Restaurant + Bar Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Graciella


    Was here a few months back, and had been disappointed in overall predicated on quality of substances. Today I provide a uncommon 5* for makati. Gazpacho was good. Environment friendly salad was excellent with extravagant greens. Frito misto has been also excellent in high quality of seafood.Prawns were tasty. Fish was great. Happy since i have am local.

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  • Ugurkondul


    Went here on the calm weeknight with a little group of friends. Car parking was challenging and the area itself was not no problem finding as the sign had not been lit. The meals was really worth the hurdles. Delicious and well-presented. We'd a varietyof meals but I enjoyed the spanakopita greatest. The filo pastry has been sharp and the filling very great. The braised lamb with figs had been also good because the poultry skewers. My chia-crusted mahi-mahi has been a disappointment because the fish didn't taste fresh. General though, the meals was excellent. Service was excellent. In the event that you dine upstairs, be sure you climb near to the wall, to avoid dropping off the open up side! The owner maybe should install rails. I'd return back here for a particular occasion.

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  • Ceyda Yaşar


    Our band of 14 friends gathered here for a 6pm earlier dinner before an 830pm display at Pineapple Lab. Increasing, the smell of clean baked loaf of bread ignited our appetites immediately. Our table was established by the windowpane wall of the next floor whichgave a good frontage experience. Our server Hi-C has been excellent and patiently assisted with this orders. The bowl of olive essential oil+balsamic vinegar dip just ignited our hunger more, nonetheless it I was dissatisfied that the breads served was not hot at all and the dip blend had been on the sour aspect. Then your expectations fell brief one at a time as our orders trickled in, and even though each dish looked excellent, none folks was raving. There is a bread menu plus they did provide us freshly baked camote loaf of bread to try. However, remove orders need two hrs (or even to be sure, 1 day prior). By 7:30pm a few of the orders nevertheless hadn't arrived, chef and employees were apologetic but we'd to cancel those once we had a present to catch. If somebody is eating Greek foods for the very first time, this will be not really the area to impress. It's nevertheless Cyma with the true "Oppa!" for me personally. (Incidentally, parking is challenging and the street narrow, but vehicles were permitted to park across the island in the centre in the street).

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  • Piraye


    Not really that Poblacion is really a hopeless location but with all the current raunchy bars inside Burgos, Fig is really a gem. Great meals with great service create a great eating place. Yes, it will cost you for atleast one thousand pesos per individual (one major dish andtwo cups of white wines) but it's a7ll worthwhile. I recommend buying the tuna salad, shish kebab organic poultry, and salted caramel ice lotion for dessert. Ensure that you go to the roof deck, as well, for cocktails.

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  • Tere Fabrienne


    We had spent time in Poblacion a couple of days back again and I thought this is a significant change of speed. The dinner was relaxed and the services was pretty good. It had been walking distance to your hotel so no huge concern there regarding car parking.Who have thought a place such as this would exist in this section of town! It's a little pricey, but a good relief from the rest (plus points for a few healthy mediterranean)

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Fig Restaurant + Bar Location

8464 Kalayaan Avenue Poblacion, Makati, Luzon Philippines

Fig Restaurant + Bar is located at 8464 Kalayaan Avenue Poblacion, Makati, Luzon Philippines. This is a Europe restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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