
Cosina Organica


4 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Cosina Organica Reviews


4 Reviews

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  • Vidya Ramadhanty


    I did not need enough information regarding Alegria, Cebu aside from the canyoneering portion therefore i asked my pal who lives in Alegria what she recommended for meals with my website visitor. We came here previous 5 pm once we didn't have lunch time and ordereda seafood, to be cooked 2 ways rather than what was within their menu - having an additional cost for doing it this way. The provider was good because the server has been amiable and even wanted to have us consider the seafood they had within their kitchen which we're able to eat - we didn't purchase immediately as we were type of picky about our foods even though we were hungry. Pros: the construction is built on the water, so the certainly a delicacy to walk concerning the balcony and start to see the fishes and crabs on the seaside below. The ocean was still quite thoroughly clean thank goodness (occasionally trash drifts to shore they stated), and since we had been dealing with the West, for certain we would start to see the see afterwards. The servers had been attentive (it possibly helped, that there have been just 2 occupied tables in those days we visited) and usually were fast to respond. Cons: I have no idea if it was due to the fish or various other issue, but whilst I was great with the flavor of the soup (created from the fish's mind) and the grilled seafood, we'd these little tiny items (similar to fresh fruit flies) flying and swarming all around the meals we had after the seafood was dished away. I noticed another table didn't have exactly the same problems though. Which means this was the thing which marred my encounter eating there. I will still keep coming back one of these brilliant days though to use again, or at the very least fall by for a glass or two, if only to start to see the turtle which found visit (in accordance with my pal when she passed the following 7 days) the shore by this eating place.

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  • Adibah Shahrudin


    My boyfriend and We stopped at Cosina Organica for lunch time after going to Kawasan Falls. The cafe has interior seating off the street and much more seating directly on the water with beautiful views. We purchased pork, calamari, poultry fried rice, and grilled tuna. The meals wastasty and very inexpensive, we had been surprised by the reduced costs as we thought i would be paying a lot more for the look at and over-water place. We recommend Cosina Organica for the beautiful views, clean seafood, and affordable costs.

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  • Trans Formation


    We made an impromptu cease here whilst exploring the region. We stopped as the kitchen out leading looked inviting and incredibly clean! The meals was delicious (purchase the sizzling squid). Look at was beautiful and employees were lovely. We proceeded to go snorkelling out leading afterlunch ☺

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  • Samantha Vilar


    Nothing organic or even fresh there. Ketchup sauce and the least expensive ingredients. No restaurant standard..flavor like streetfood. Also some Carenderia are method better!!

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Cosina Organica Location

San Roque Poblacion, Cebu City 6000 Philippines

Cosina Organica is located at San Roque Poblacion, Cebu City 6000 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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