


10 Reviews


₱ 450 / Person

UP Town Center

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Slice Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Celina Desiderio


    I ordered the green bowl which was good but when i ordered the tofu oriental i asked to remove the cabbage expecting they will replace it with more of the other ingredients but no it looked like a side salad a few pcs of lettuce shredded up DISAPPOINTMENT

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  • Marcus Wong


    It was my first time dining in here last Friday.Had their Eggs Florentine which had sauteed spinash and onion instead of meat.It was delicious except that I found the spinach a bit salty that's why I wasn't able to consume it all.I'll be back to try their other offerings.And oh, the waitress was really smiling the whole time. She was also very attentive 👍🏻

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  • Okna Wu


    Nice and spacious branch.  Coffee is good but not a fan of their fancy cold coffee concoctions - take note that I am not saying it's not good.  Still okay.  I love their yema cake as always.

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  • Hafizh Ibnu Achir


    Their pastries and desserts doesn't dissapoint (but really fattening, so watch out). Main courses can be a tad pricey but they have healthy selections so I think it's worth a try. They serve their coffees with granola which for me is a plus.

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  • Did Nov


    If you're up for something relatively healthy, SLICE is a good casual restaurant to be!AMBIANCE - Simple and cozy: great for eating out with your health-buff friends/colleagues!SERVICE - I remembered them being attentive to their customers but I won't be very particular with this one YET. Probably on our next visit at SLICE, I can elaborate better!FOOD - Their menu screams healthy to me! There were a lot of interesting options to choose from but unfortunately, we discovered them near mall closing so it calls for another visit to try what we haven't yet.If you're up for a recommendation, I'd suggest trying their Pumpkin Soup w/ breadsticks! Personally, it's my current top 1 for the Pumpkin Soup menu. Among all the restaurants where I've tried the soup, I felt it was the best yet - it has a creamy consistency, not too salty and sour (I've tried one overdosed with the white sauce and it's not so good), also; it goes well with the breadsticks! Dip it and voila!However, it's a bit pricey if you're on a budget or still a college student trying to be healthy while studying or strolling around the mall. Trying to be healthy IS expensive but it's more expensive when you begin to have maintenance meds just because you ignored healthier options outside the confines of your home. 😉

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Slice Location

Ground Floor, UP Town Center, Katipunan Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City

Slice is located at Ground Floor, UP Town Center, Katipunan Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. This is a Cafe restaurant near the UP Town Center. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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