
Drip Cafe


20 Reviews


₱ 350 / Person


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Drip Cafe Reviews


20 Reviews

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  • Cristina DeVera


    Hi Guys! Drip Cafe Philippines is under new Management! Expect the best from their new menus and service. They serve a variety of food from rice meals, salads, pastas and desserts! Also, I recommend you try their signature drink- hot chocolate with marshmallows 💯

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  • Farah Farzana Oishe


    After a spa date with one of my college best friends last Sunday, we decided to have a light dinner at Drip Café. 💜 Both V and I haven't tried it here before, so we don't really know what to expect. We got the following:✅ For V: ROAST BEEF GRILLED CHEESE (Php 200) - ⭐⭐ 1/2V said the sandwich had a meaty taste and had enough beef filling, but lacked the flavor of actual roast beef. Also, she felt like the sandwich was a bit too small for its price. Towards the end of her meal, she also mentioned that the sandwich was too oily. 😞 It comes with a gravy-like sauce, but it was quite bland. ✅ For Me: BASIL PESTO GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH (Php 160) - ⭐⭐⭐Taste-wise, this was actually pretty good. The aromatic basil complemented the sharpness of the cheese, and it cut through the creaminess of the cheese as well. 👌The balsamic vinegar is a nice dip to pair it with. What we found hard to believe though, was the sides they used for the sandwiches. These were chips -- but it tasted all too familiar, I was able to pinpoint what it was on my first bite -- Oishi Potato Chips! 🙊 I mean, who would use that as sides??? Unbelievable. 😲✅ RASPBERRY ICED TEA (Php 110) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐This tasted more like a raspberry juice that tea, but it was good. It was not too sweet, and the barista was right: it does go well with my basil pesro grilled cheese. 👌The ambiance is so nice and relaxing, too! 💜 We enjoyed catching up because of the warm ambiance, definitely giving them 5⭐ for the look of the place. Servers / baristas were really nice and friendly, too. 😊 Food was so-so, though. But, I heard their coffee is really good, so do drop by to try it! ☕ #EatDrinkSplurge

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  • Burcu Ortaç


    The place has a very homey ambiance. Their 2nd floor is spacious but they have a problem with their AC. If you are planning to stay there, I suggest you guys just stay in the ground floor instead of staying in the 2nd floor especially this summer because they would not allow you to adjust the temperature of the AC. I understand that they are trying to save themselves from energy fees but the thing is they have to wait for the 2nd floor to be fully occupied first before adjusting the temp and opening the 2nd AC (because there are 2 ACs there). I think paying customers deserve a little comfort from the place. As for the crew all of them are really polite and attentive to the needs of their customers. For the drinks, their jackfrost mocha tasted a bit weird for me but it is nonetheless doable. Will be back here next time to taste their food.

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  • Andrea Denice


    Their pastas and sandwiches are good. Also, they have polite staffs. But I'm too particular with the taste of coffees. Tho, I still go here for my review/study and some 'me' time.

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  • Rizka Natianingsih


    One of my bf fave place. Idky. Maybe because he loves the books here? Hahaha, and he always ask me to go back in here. Lol such a cutie. But for me, I love yheyre food here. Also, the serving is nice naman, that its really a good to go, because the price is equal on what you are going to get. :) (Theyre cups are big, and the cakes are okay)

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Drip Cafe Location

46-A Banawe Corner Maria Clara Street, Santo Domingo, Banawe, Quezon City

Drip Cafe is located at 46-A Banawe Corner Maria Clara Street, Santo Domingo, Banawe, Quezon City. This is a Cafe restaurant near the Banawe. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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