


4 Reviews



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McDonalds Location

Dr. A. Santos Avenue SM BF Mall Paranaque, Paranaque, Luzon 1700 Philippines

McDonalds is located at Dr. A. Santos Avenue SM BF Mall Paranaque, Paranaque, Luzon 1700 Philippines. This is a Fast food restaurant near the President Roxas.The average price range at McDonalds is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.McDonalds is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the President Roxas area. There are different kinds of food in McDonalds that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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McDonalds Reviews


4 Reviews

  • Ma Evan Rempillo Rellores


    Purchasing drinks and McFlurries (ice cream snacks) we had been served the McFlurries which usually basically had the tiniest level of ice cream feasible in the cup, only squirted round the edge of mug leaving a void within Centre in which you can see bottom associated with thecup. This was described to the supervisor that is not just how shown in pictures. He without stating a word simply took it and individually replaced it having an acceptable amount. Clearly staff either not really trained or trained to provide smallest amount possible within the hope that nobody will notice or complain!

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  • Cess Canonigo


    We head to McDonalds for night time espresso and fries. This branch works 24hrs. This branch includes a wide lobby region, includes a clean comfort space and a lot of parking spaces.

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  • Angelica Cabisora


    This is actually the nearest mcdonalds to where i live therefore i come here frequently and these are the majority of my experiences. Few open counters(1-2 out of 4) Poorly trained staff within receiving orders End result... There is always an extended cue Lengthy waitingtime for orders Sometime I experience cranky customers because of long cues and waiting around time for orders. Usually, the person inside the counter is fully gone for a long period, brings the orders and is fully gone again. What I really like is that they will have freshly cooked fries and nuggets. But if you're in a rush... better go someplace else

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  • Kimberly Anne Estefa


    Good breakfast for older persons It is possible to read newspaper while going for a sip of one's cofee. Very useful and considerate waiters.

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