


9 Reviews



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Goodah Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Vipin Arora


    I had late lunch 1 day due to other commitments early in the day. I made a decision to try the basic Goodah restaurant. I usually purchase the ribs but We decided to find the Longsilog this time around. I wasn't dissatisfied, they offered 3 large-sized longanisa's togo with my additional fried rice. The dinner also was included with an iced tea upon add-on of around P15. The interior of the area is appealing (nice & vivid). Although it is usually open-air, it nevertheless has its appeal and coziness.

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  • Boronia Night Market Enquiries


    The initial Goodah in Greenhills was the very best in those days (the 80's)! Now, they don't really cook food specifically the well-known goto the direction they used to end up being back in days past where you "drop in line" merely to get yourself a taste of it.

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  • Jaesin


    Proceeded to go here with my pal as it's her first-time. Almost all we wished to eat were sold-out. Also it took so enough time for the orders to be offered. One error we did was beverage their service drinking water which still left my friendwith diarrhea. Altho we're uncertain if it's the drinking water or the food or possibly dirty utensils/eyeglasses, but since we shared the meals, and i did so not get diarrhea, after that it should be the water. The next time just choose the bottled ones.. But also for me, that just shows how unclean they're.. Whether with the drinking water, or food. Id go back again only when i dont have any selection coz they're the only person open because they are as the saying goes "open 25 hours"

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  • Göran Svendeborn


    We ate here after going to a party (thus we were here around 2am), I acquired the beef pares (meals that contain rice, lovely beef stew with some anise, and soup). I'd say that it is not bad (i've had much better). However the servingsize will be kinda small for the purchase price (since this isn't a fancy location). My friends drank water in bottles and iced tea. I acquired the service water... Wii choice. I didn't obtain diarrhea, nonetheless it had a unique after taste. Pros: -It's open up 24 hrs (so, it is a decent location to head to for sobering up following a night of drinking) -The food isn't that bad. Cons: -the service water comes with an after taste. -The washroom is outdoors, and isn't very clean... Conclusion: Not a bad spot to move to. But I will not walk out my strategy to use here. Tips: - avoid drinking the services water.

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  • Dion Andrea


    Good spot to have breakfast, when We a hurry and also have virtually no time to cook breakfast.... very disappointing though..as foods is not an excellent as before.

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Goodah Location

Presdent's Avenue Teoville, Paranaque, Luzon Philippines

Goodah is located at Presdent's Avenue Teoville, Paranaque, Luzon Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the President Roxas. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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