
Floating Island Restaurant


3 Reviews



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Floating Island Restaurant Location

Meralco Avenue Ayala Malls The 30th, Pasig, Luzon 1605 Philippines

Floating Island Restaurant is located at Meralco Avenue Ayala Malls The 30th, Pasig, Luzon 1605 Philippines. This is a Seafood restaurant near the Pasig.The average price range at Floating Island Restaurant is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Floating Island Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Pasig area. There are different kinds of food in Floating Island Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 2 635 4814.

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Floating Island Restaurant Reviews


3 Reviews

  • Queen Sophia Mendoza


    I'll recommend this cafe for families or even big groups. The meals is excellent and the purchase price is very sensible. If you are keen on Filipino cuisine, this eating place is for you personally. Good food and excellent value.

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  • Veronica Nicole Lu


    Many of those that are acquainted with this restaurant's first branch nestled inside a hospital inside Makati City understand that this is a host to good foods at incredible affordability. My guess will be that it is so good some individuals maintain it a secretso they are able to have this eating place to themselves. Maybe that is why it is not too favored by the mainstream restaurant group. But it's good they opened a branch in Pasig City which means you won't have to visit a medical center to find some very nice eats. The place isn't so big that is good if you would like some peace and intimacy when eating. The interior can be cozy and the home furniture is easy but comfortable. Now, the food. For those who have guests from abroad who would like a flavor of the neighborhood offerings served in stylish design while retaining the initial authentic taste, that's where you need to take them. They create the usually ordinary desk food suit for VIPS. Adobo and pakbet - two options we keep company with the typical Pinoy will be the must-haves here (purchase the adobo rice). Attempt furthermore the crispy pata - it could make you just forget about your diet. The staff is fast and attentive. The costs are okay. General, the dining experience is certainly two thumbs up. Tip: always make an effort to make a booking before you come - the area easily becomes full.

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  • Armand Gozali


    Was researching the very best resto in Ayala Malls 30th. I came across this on zomato. Testimonials and scores are higher. I must say i expected much. I also read an assessment where they ordered best wishes retailers and all were tasty. The servings are little for theprice. The flavor is so so. Probably because I must say i had high anticipations. The service is excellent, though.

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