
Gerrys grill


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Gerrys grill Location

Newport City Ground Floor, Butterfly Garden, Pasay, Luzon Philippines

Gerrys grill is located at Newport City Ground Floor, Butterfly Garden, Pasay, Luzon Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Pasay.The average price range at Gerrys grill is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Gerrys grill is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Pasay area. There are different kinds of food in Gerrys grill that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 2 808 6295.

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Gerrys grill Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Berraknazbozelli


    We've walked past several Gerry’s Grills without ever jogging in. I chose it for the yesterday evening in Manila. The restaurant was occupied and food getting cooked to order required patience. When it do arrive we had been delighted with the outcomes. BBQsquid, tummy pork and chow mien had been well presented at properly proportioned. We followed up with the shared banana split. Will certainly visit again.

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  • Nindita Salsabilla


    Proceeded to go here because craving of inihaw, has been disappointed though, the grilled pusit has been undercook so that it was thus fishy and tough, had not been impressed, it had been expensive , unhappy with it. Ordered few more things, poultry was bloody, just the sinigang na bangus wasok

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  • CCSD


    Nice open up area just a couple hundred metres from Marriott where I remain. Can eat both outside at the open up courtyard tables. Very pleasurable consuming in courtyard on an night time with friends Eaten here as big party, partners and solo, both outdoors and indoors.Great food, plenty of alternative food and drinks, staff helpful and useful, though service time adjustable and slightly lengthy when busy, discovered staff not considering outdoors guests needing another drinks circular. My personal favourite may be the larger 'family' dimension 'crispy pata' that's on the bone Everything on menus we tried tasted lovely, was good cooked and completely edible, completely spoilt for selection eg Loved ones Crispy Pata, Sizling Gambas, Seafood Dishes, Chargrilled, just about all meat+fish types etc. Restaurant branches listed on-line as is really a priced menu, an agreeable touch

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  • Ahmet Dağtaş


    Waitress is great and sat us lower attentively. We had been thrilled since it’s our first-time in Manila which will be our first dinner of our trip. Whenever we began to place an purchase, they did not have got the fried calamari appetizer we needed.After that to top it away from, there is no fried poultry at all, only quite a few cutlets that was cooked another way. Unfortunately, we didn't find any other alternate except to depart since what we emerged for had not been available. We made a decision to miss the chain since we didn’t desire to make exactly the same scenario. I am hoping the proprietors read this and create the necessary changes.

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  • Serenay


    Excellent food selections and enjoyable ambience. The eating place is near Terminal 3 Manila Airport so really convenient to nearby condo properties along with other tourist attractions.

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