
Puzzles: Board Game Lounge


6 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Puzzles: Board Game Lounge Reviews


6 Reviews

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  • Ozzy Yldrm


    Tired of likely to the most common hang-out spots? You will want to visit the location that harks back again to the period when there have been no on the internet or video games? Come to Puzzles: GAME Lounge where close friends and families can relationship, as they rediscover games thatstimulate your brain and foster good, clear fun in addition to camaraderie. Located at 287 Aguirre Avenue within BF Paranaque, it provides a wide collection of Board games for several ages. Puzzles includes a great selection of sandwiches, finger meals, and beverages to fulfill one’s appetite whilst enjoying their game of choice. Using its interesting interiors and cozy atmosphere, playing games is a great deal more pleasurable! The place supplies a very nice option to today’s deluge of on-line and video gaming that the youth of nowadays encounters every day. For just a hundred pesos performing fee, you can play anything so long as they want to and revel in with their heart’s delight. Lastly, something enjoyable and intellectually stimulating for your brain to do, this location does prove that older school is certainly cool! I encourage buddies and friends of close friends to find the joys of bonding the old-fashioned method at Puzzles: GAME Lounge. Trust me, you won’t regret it! Visit www.southville.edu.ph/blog for more articles!

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  • Hasret Oymak


    Good location to have fun particularly when you're with friends! 100php for unlimited have fun with period! and oh! the oreos with icecream..yum!

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  • Begüm Civil


    My cousin and We were very curious with Puzzle BGL, thus we gave it a go not minding that place is quite definately not house. What I enjoyed the majority are the games-- plenty of them! But I believe they need to maintain furthermore thecondition of the video games, especially the boxes in order that it would be enticing to check out even if it's shown or not really touched by the gamers. Anyhow, we appreciated the finger food items and the beverages! Since it's a game lounge, my cousin and I'll never forget the atmosphere and the video games we performed here! Definitely worth returning amidst the distance!

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  • Ollie


    A good spot to hang when you dine and play games with relatives and buddies. The encompassing is pact with therefore much happiness, pleasure and competitive spirits along with various games to have fun with with.The staff are friendly, sincere, and helpful. The foodin puzzles are usually tasty and may feed numerous people. One tip for those who want to head to puzzles would be to come there earlier because a large amount of individuals go there and when you do not go early you can find stuck in the waiting around list.

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  • Wayan Denver


    I lost an eye on time whenever we came here. we significantly came within the early morning. played a lot of games, ate some very nice food. then people wished to head home since they were exhausted. I inquired them "why depart? its simply the afternoon.there's a lot of daytime left." and that is if they twist my mind towards the exit showing me that sunlight was out, and demonstrated me the clock to i want to know its already previous 10PM.... unfortunately? it is a true tale. obviously? we had a great deal of fun. Even surely got to purchase and buying some video games because we simply had to keep playing after we got home.

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Puzzles: Board Game Lounge Location

# 287 A. Aguirre Avenue Barangay BF Homes, Paranaque, Luzon 1720 Philippines

Puzzles: Board Game Lounge is located at # 287 A. Aguirre Avenue Barangay BF Homes, Paranaque, Luzon 1720 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Parañaque. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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