
Ikkoryu Fukuoka Ramen


7 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 21:00

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Ikkoryu Fukuoka Ramen Reviews


7 Reviews

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  • Michael Khai


    Had supper here recently to celebrate the birthday celebration of my young brothers. Their ramen has been excellent, with noodles cooked perfectly and the mixture of spices sufficient to tickle the tastebuds. Desire there could have already been more choices on the menus, though,but in any other case, there exists a decent selection. It is possible to order additional noodles or other aspect dishes to complement your primary meal of ramen.

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  • JS Paradigm


    This is my first-time here and I'd say, it really is neither disappointing nor satisfying... I'd say something just common. Although I'm expecting this eating place to become more because of the way the resto appears from the outside. You obtain ramen because itis a ramen location however the thing is, this is a small salty to complete the huge bowl. We ordered 3 forms of ramen to tell apart the difference in flavor - Ajitama Tonkotsu, Miso Tonkotsu , Aburi Chasu Tonkotsu - all is really a small salty formy flavor. What I love so much here's you have a choice for the noodles - soft, moderate and the chewy kind. I liked the initial Yakimeshi (a rice dish) that I would recommend you try. Cost? its just a little expensive. Today I know why there isn't much to arrive to dine.

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  • Tanvir


    Straight to the idea, the food was great and satisfying: the meal was perfectly, and the meals was brought out virtually all simultaneously for our band of eight people (that is a rarity currently) For this reason, most of us couldstart eating simultaneously without having to wait for the meals of other visitors to be served. Location was good aswell, but I wish that they had a far more enclosed place. In any other case, it is worthy of the while and cash.

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  • Shebika Aslamia


    Ikkoryu Fukuoka Ramen’s ramen mainly makes use of the Tonkotsu broth thus it’s thick, flavorful, and oh so tasty. Furthermore, we like this we can choose the noodle high quality/tenderness - soft, regular, or tough. Since we have no idea what exactly which means or how willit influence the flavor or the display, we proceeded to go for the normal/normal option. (It is possible to never fail with the standard, eh?). Meats along with other ingredients are usually fresh and done perfectly. Condiments are plentiful in case you desire to further enhance the flavor to your liking.

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  • NiYan Yap (Keitsu)


    Didn't benefit from the experience. The meals was bland. Nothing particular,, it had been just expensive however, not worth it.

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Ikkoryu Fukuoka Ramen Location

Alabang - Zapote Road LGF, The Garden Alabang Town Center, Muntinlupa, Luzon Philippines

Ikkoryu Fukuoka Ramen is located at Alabang - Zapote Road LGF, The Garden Alabang Town Center, Muntinlupa, Luzon Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Muntinlupa. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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