
Yam Cha


6 Reviews


₱ 150 / Person

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Yam Cha Location

44 Timog Avenue, Quezon City, Luzon 1103 Philippines

Yam Cha is located at 44 Timog Avenue, Quezon City, Luzon 1103 Philippines. This is a Chinese Food restaurant near the Manila.The average price range at Yam Cha is around ₱ 150 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Yam Cha is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Manila area. There are different kinds of food in Yam Cha that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 2 372 8136.

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Yam Cha Reviews


6 Reviews

  • Mikan Mendoza


    Priced only a teeny weeny bit greater than tramway, dining room is a lot smaller sized and food choice is bound, also average tasting. Beverages are considered as extra orders. A la carte foods available. Car parking along Timog Ave.

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  • Lorenz Vergil Reyes


    Yam Cha Eating place is really a Chinese Restaurant. They provide Buffet and Ala Carte. Quite often, when we eat right here, we purchase Ala Carte rather than consume their Buffet. They reason? We reach choose the meals we wish and their Cost for AlaCarte can be fair. Too bad a lot of people come right here for the Buffet, yet I will suggest they try Ala Carte since they cook good too!

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  • Dinny Soeradjibdja


    Me and my close friends went here yesterday evening to use something different,food listed below are appetising and the the costs are reasonable we've tried various viands and talk about what we ordered it had been good the preferences were overflowing we simply dont like the way the buttered shrimptaste although sauce is great its how they cooked the shrimp coz we felt such as its half make and the meats is hard to obtain from its skin thus we had trouble eating that one,but overall it had been amazing

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  • Airlangga Jati


    bad service and filthy when our celebration of 15 have there been in New Year's Eve, 2015. I did so nothing like or trust the food or drinks.

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  • MsNYAM


    Expect nothing at all spectacular and you do not get dissatisfied. For a buffet price of Ps298, foods is common but eat just as much as you can since it is tasty. You can find days though once the buffet cost will be Ps498 and food high quality will go a notch increased.So just before you sit back to feast, ask..particularly if you are on a budget. Personally I really like their birthday noodles (a la carte) which is an excellent and filling meal. Rather than expensive. So if you are not picky or utilized to 4/5 star dining places, this can be a good enough option.

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