
Ugu Bigyan


10 Reviews



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Ugu Bigyan Location

490 Alvarez Village Lusacan, Quezon City, Luzon Philippines

Ugu Bigyan is located at 490 Alvarez Village Lusacan, Quezon City, Luzon Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Manila.The average price range at Ugu Bigyan is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Ugu Bigyan is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Manila area. There are different kinds of food in Ugu Bigyan that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 42 545 9144.

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Ugu Bigyan Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Yhurico Rhinoa Cane Smith


    Food is home-cooked by the learn potter, part-period chef, Ugu. Elements are fresh and thoroughly selected and masterfully prepared with the same details and care the performer places into his pottery artwork. That is by reservation just since Ugu just cooks for aspecial restricted number of people per day. Don't depart San Pablo Town without visiting at these home backyard dining retreat. This can be a must in your Viaje del Sol, Tour Southern of Manila, itinerary. You can even purchase a souvenir pottery art later on.

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  • Araaa


    Nice place outdoors Manila, it had been about an hour . 5 drive from Alabang. Foods was excellent, felt cost was nearly right for 10 individuals. Seemed relaxing and peaceful, offers you the atmosphere of previous Philippines. Items sold from the boutique were abit pricey for locals but of top quality. Bought the lambanog wines in a basket bottle. I had been sorry I did so not buy their chimes. I noticed that the things go on sale one per year, on UGU's birthday. It will be better when there is another thing to accomplish ....spa services, swimming pool.....it may be great to spend the night time and stay in among their Bali inspired cottages.

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  • Jay Palma


    We've been planning this vacation for very sometime but were just able to press through with it last July 10. We emerged in late because of the large rains in San Pablo however the distress from the traveling dissipated whenever we arrived. The tranquilityof the area was therefore inviting. Mr. Bigyan's creations were all so amazing (a little pricey, though). After that came our lunch time. It started with refreshing fern salad and gulay na mais (genuine corn soup!) accompanied by kulawong puso ng saging (smoked coconut milk ). Then your entree... fried lapu-lapu with mango salsa, baby back again ribs, buttered prawns, calamares and stir-fried mussels with pechay. Dessert has been sagimis (tapioca with milk and ice) and we downed everything with fresh buco fruit juice. Since coffee had not been included in the bundle, we ordered it individually and for P50.00 per glass, it was a genuine steal! After lunch time we walked around his display room and purchased a few of his creations. We proceeded to go home pleased for the lunch plus some photo-op with the learn himself. Many thanks Mr. Ugu Bigyan for that great experience. Will certainly be back soon.

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  • Alexitow.inc


    Likely to Ugu Bigyan's location is definitely a refreshing encounter. A little bit of travel goes to a most fantastic location where warmth, hospitality and serenity may be the vibe. It attracts your senses ~ the pottery and food are really feasts for the eyeswhile the area (not to mention the meals) is comfort for your brain, body and spirit. Ugu's creations are original, emulated but never copied. Each item has its story. And since the area exudes only great vibes, therefore does the pottery. Therefore make sure to get yourself a item to remind you of the area and the knowledge it brings.

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  • Ma Jessa Dela Cruz


    Visiting Ugu Bigyan's location is similar to a pilgrimage to someplace sacred. His location is filled with inspiring items, from the hammocks that dot the lands, to the sculptor's studio where one can watch the performer and apprentices at the job, his house that is full ofvintage indigenous adornments, to the present shop with the indigenous jewelry, bags, pottery, additional artwork for sale. He offers lunch which needed to be reserved beforehand but is so filled with tasty and fresh products.

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