
Tokyo Cafe


10 Reviews



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Tokyo Cafe Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Always More Food | IG: Alwaysmorefood


    They will have renovated their place; i simply didn't notice should they have extended or should they have simply changed the inside. What im certain is that they additional a cake showcase and appeared to have an open up bar concept. At 195php you've got a tokyoblend espresso and a slice of cake. Bestseller is red-colored velvet and campfire. Pizza is really as usual crispy slim delicious though cost is higher when compared to regular pizza chains. There is this personnel, IDK if she's the supervisor coz she's the only person wearing another uniform, whose service is impeccable. She's always prepared to offer a drinking water refill and always on offer to check on if everything's okay. Anyhow, aside from her, all of the crew have become corteous. Coffee does take time to become served. Pls anticipate it as they utilize the slow-drip method that i read tastes much better than the usual machine-produced.

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  • ANNE


    It was my first-time to use Tokyo Cafe also to my surprise, they will have wide selection of food. Needless to say, I ordered my in history favorite, the ebi-tempura with pork tonkatsu bento. If they served my foods, the serving is fairly large, as inhuge pork! The soup tasted excellent and also their pickled salad. The ginger pork was furthermore good. The atmosphere is quite cozy and the crew are friendly. That is another excellent Japanese experienced.

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  • Musashiz 77


    The reviews all sounded excellent, though it's doubtful if they were written by individuals who've sampled Japanese food in its diversity before - both good and the poor, the authentic and the 'Western' Japanese kind. For me personally this was an average mall placethat suits a mass market. It isn't even Japanese, but additionally acts Italian pasta, milk shakes, etc. The meals was only average. I just experienced udon soup and ebi (prawn) tempura don with several additional tempura veggy items. Both udon and the rice had been overcooked, and the ebi has been weighty on the batter, and general the tempura was just typical (some soggy eggplant had been also included). In case you are in the Mall and would like a quick lunch, that is ok, Simply don't expect Japanese meals. At some 450 pesos (including a tea) furthermore expensive for what it had been.

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  • Yusuf Ziya Kılıç


    I'm a sucker for an excellent crepe and good espresso. Tokyo Cafe at the SM Mall of Asia provides both and at affordable prices! Their espresso is preferable to Starbucks' and the environment of their restaurant is quite homey and cozy. If youdon't like crepes, possess among their burgers. Actually the junior burger will be ridiculously big and really worth every peso. Tokyo Cafe can be one of the best restos at the Mall of Asia, and I more often than not proceed there when I check out. :D

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  • E.D.


    Taste good but a little costly . If you want to just try out this it's good . The service is great would try out this again

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Tokyo Cafe Location

SM Mall of Asia Seaside Drive Manila Bay Reclamation Area, Manila, Luzon Philippines

Tokyo Cafe is located at SM Mall of Asia Seaside Drive Manila Bay Reclamation Area, Manila, Luzon Philippines. This is a Japanese restaurant near the Manila. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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