
our Big Little Store


10 Reviews


₱ 150 / Person

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our Big Little Store Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Hüner Yılmaz


    This place is slightly larger than their original store in Little Baguio but somehow, it keeps the 'little store' feel you obtain. It's also exactly the same great location for the favorite treats. The Chinese lumpia may be the bestseller and really should not be skipped. If youwant a rice food, consider the rice topped with soyed poultry and kikiam. For noodles, test the maki mi. Another offerings are equally great. What I like concerning this location is that it will not ruin your spending budget to take pleasure from good food. Gleam mini-grocery where one can get interesting foods and fresh veggies. It is a traditional Chinese diner so don't expect fancy interiors or elegant cutleries. Also the service water will be self-serve. Parking can be a large challenge during rush hrs.

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  • Enerio


    Visited regarding an early on lunch. Several home-design Chinese viands had been on screen in the counter where clients can choose from- well-known stuff like adobo egg, pig's ears, salted mustard leaves, tofu can be found and also traditional organic soup of Black poultry, ba-kut-teh as wellas balut soup. We purchased Chinese lumpia and Pork Kidney misua which are usually reminiscent of the standard weekend food we'd during younger days. As there were a large number of tables occupied, our misua took very sometime to be served as this is cooked upon order. Program was friendly but minimum as we need to refill our drinking water from the dispenser ourselves. Not standard of a Chinese eating place, there is no services tea given free of charge. Went house with additional buy of pre-packed ngo-hiong for supper. Also accessible are ready-to-consume siomai, balut, bbq pork asado, seafood balls. Restaurant is in the grocery store which markets Chinese condiments and sauces, snack foods, frozen seafood balls, an array of more fresh vegetables and fruits. Comfort food to fill up the tummy.

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  • Niel Escorial


    I think it really is safe to point out our big Little store includes a lot waiting for you for solos such as me. If you want some apple cider. They will have it If you want some tea tahrik in sachets. They will have it. If you would like somecheap house cooked chinese foods they have a huge amount of those. Actually that refreshing lumpia. For an inexpensive price. I go back weekly.

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  • Fadlyanfa


    This store is really a gem. It will be situated in Gilmore (really near Green Hills retail center) plus they sell awesome stuff here. The meals here's simply awesome. The dark chicken soup, new Chinese lumpia and salted rice with peanuts are usually my favourite. Iam sure that I will go back to this store to take pleasure from the delicacies here. It is a must try.

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  • Angelina Chandra


    We went to the tiny Store a few days ago...it had been a slow time with just another consumer but with a little more than a six staff. Yet, support was gradual from ordering what foods I liked to obtain, thepreparation, and transaction. The consolation will be that the meals is still good in the end these years. I'd get back to the t haLittle Shop when on a spending budget...I just to anticipate long wait times.

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our Big Little Store Location

8 Gilmore Avenue 1st Street cor Gilmore, New Manila, Quezon City, Luzon 1112 Philippines

our Big Little Store is located at 8 Gilmore Avenue 1st Street cor Gilmore, New Manila, Quezon City, Luzon 1112 Philippines. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the Manila. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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