
Mr. Liempo


3 Reviews



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Mr. Liempo Reviews


3 Reviews

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  • Quin Gomez


    Ok. i'm a foody when i described on my User profile, and i love Good Food. While many people are queuing for Andoks manok and liempo ( not too bad ) , I'm a loyal Enthusiast of Mr Liempo. Crispy Epidermis as though itsLechon kawali and Tender, Juicy and Flavorful Meats. No need to require More, except More Rice and Mang Tomas. The best for days gone by years. I'm so liking it that I also researched and I discovered that this gradually growing Liempo chain started in Cebu so during Cebu last weekend break of Oct 19, i tried to get 1, also to my dismay it had been a negative Bad Experience. The Meats is Hard and Hard, YOUR SKIN is usually Rubbery and Chewy and the Flavor is so Various from what they will have within Manila which produced me think...Why?? It shouold be much better in Cebu particularly that it's in direct competitors with all the current "Lechon Cebu Stalls" discovered around the City. I would like to talk to a Supervisor but there is absolutely no manager in this sort of place and i'm having a rest from stress why stress right, Therefore i just provided the Liempo to the stray canines around and Obtained myself a Burrito. But incase you're in Manila and buying Nice Liempo. Attempt them and i am certain You will ENJOY IT.

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  • Ash Ann


    Its good to permit ur tastebud knowledge something special to split the day to day routine taste of meals i've had ...its really sumptous.

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  • David Borromeo


    22 February 22, 2018, 4:54 PM I am normally an extremely happy Mr. Liempo consumer but this sad encounter I had together with your recently opened up branch along Leon Guinto near Una Salle at the moment is really infuriating. I usually patronize the Mr. Liempo Dian branchnear the St. Joseph The Employee Parish Church, nonetheless it closed down, therefore i decided to attempt the brand new Leon Guinto branch on our method home after picking right up my daughter from college. We ordered 2 liempos and 1 poultry for P579 pesos overall. I informed the grill man would you please reheat them. He mentioned they are still sizzling. I didn’t start to see the coals burning up plus they looked cold if you ask me. THEREFORE I asked ‘Are usually you certain’ in Filipino and recommended that maybe he could wear it the grill nearer the coals for just a few minutes. He answered curtly, “Mainit pa nga.” Then your other guy, the cashier probably, asked me, “wala ka barya?” (We gave him P1,000 for P579). Sorry I don’t have modification I said, displaying him I only experienced 20s and P1,000 peso expenses. He looked very displeased. I said I've 20s, how very much do you want? He stated “kahit P600.” We showed him my cash again, saying easily had P600 I'd have already trained with for you. He asked once again, “Wala ka ba talaga barya.” After rummaging a little grumpily through his wallet and things he finally paid my change. The grill man gave me the two 2 liempos and the chicken, still cold, in a foil wrapped in plastic that didn't possess any handles and had been giving way as soon as he handed them over. I said what occurred to the Mr. Liempo document bag with the brand name on it? He simply gave me a appear having said that what are you discussing. But this is actually the product packaging the Dian branch utilized to provide constantly for takeouts. I mentioned the plastic has already been dropping apart and he didn't care. I appeared to the cashier for assist but he had been back again to being intimate along with his cellphone. We had to stroll two blocks to obtain home and I finished up carrying the poultry and the liempo cradling them such as a greasy infant in my own arms-and reheating them within an stove toaster when I arrived home (the grill guy lied, these were as cool as their service). This is actually the last time I'm buying something out of this Mr. Liempo franchise. Assistance such as this gives your brand name a band name.

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Mr. Liempo Location

Guadalupe Proper Philippines

Mr. Liempo is located at Guadalupe Proper Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Manila. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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