Mj Cafe Bar
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Mj Cafe Bar


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  • Ruth Dela Cruz


    When you go by at Roxas Blvd., BayPark it is possible to place the MJ's Cafe Bar - hold it... avoid being deceived by its appear outside ( it could look a little small functionality lounge with higher deck) - the area is truly a full service-restaurant.They provide catering services for just about any events and features. It is possible to choose from their variety of deals which are actually affordable and budget-friendly - I could vouch for that. I have already been to the location for many times, either for activities or just unwinding-up with friends. It is possible to pick from their Buffet Deals : 1) East Meets West 2) Filipino Menus and 3) Combination Menus or it is possible to create your personal buffet bundle from their extensive menus - their employees would be ready to discuss for you and help you create your event truly unforgettable. As the saying goes, "Party without the trouble" - and I myself can verify that. Not merely their food taste great and satisfy your palate therefore affordable, but i usually get the service I'm searching for from any eating place or bar. MJ's Cafe Bar staff are therefore helpful...they welcome you with happy smile and send you home still smiling. You always feel in the home. In the event that you choose their on-web site package ( in addition they cater for off-web site venues like Patio de Manila and Aquasphere, etc.), it is possible to either use their functionality lounge or top of the deck, both include audio system and videoke - also it comes free of charge with the package. Actually, if you are simply unwinding with some buddies and buying "homey" location - MJ's Cafe Bar may be the right place. You may use their amenities free of charge. By the way, don't forget to try their 12-inch irresistible flavors of hand-rolled thin crust pizza produced specifically for you by MJ's Cafe Bar. Yummy and crispy. Exact same would go to their Buttered Poultry - essential try. One good thing concerning this place is you could bring along your children. Though you can find so many suppliers (flower vendors, cigarette suppliers, chicharon and peanut suppliers amongst others) that roam around, the area is safe. The next time you are in the area, I would recommend that you give this place the opportunity. It's worthy of your visit. :)

Mj Cafe Bar Location

Mj Cafe Bar is located at Roxas Boulevard Bay Park Malate, Manila, Luzon Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Manila. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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