
Mabuhay Palace


9 Reviews


₱ 1,000 / Person

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Mabuhay Palace Location

One Rizal Park Ground Floor, The Manila Hotel, Manila, Luzon Philippines

Mabuhay Palace is located at One Rizal Park Ground Floor, The Manila Hotel, Manila, Luzon Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Manila.The average price range at Mabuhay Palace is around ₱ 1,000 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Mabuhay Palace is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Manila area. There are different kinds of food in Mabuhay Palace that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 2 527 0011.

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Mabuhay Palace Reviews


9 Reviews

  • Ren Miller


    Final Oct. 5, we celebrated my mom's birthday celebration and Manila Hotel's Mabuhay Palace assisted us ensure it is unforgettable and easy for our guests.The event room they offered us is spacious and well-organized, the staffs are friendly, accomodating and helpful. They make certain our stayis comfortable. Food sensible...during reservation all of us pre-order all of the foods to become offered...the portions are huge so its sufficient for the guests. Flavor wise the meals are tasty, not really salty rather than so oily..in a nutshell just right for the taste buds. The area is clean, organized and spacious plus they have a soothing ambience. I simply the hope support won't change :-)

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  • Foodlover79


    This is the venue for meals that has been hosted for over 40+ people whilst on a small business trip. We had been proven to a private dining area behind the restaurant. In addition to the food becoming very average the primary point everyone commentedon had been the incredibly poor provider we received, truly the most severe I have encountered in an exceedingly long time. The wine glasses weren't filled despite it getting in plentiful supply. The meals when it had been served, had not been served to each desk simultaneously so each desk was on different classes throughout the night. The deserts could possibly be seen on a back desk but were in no way served, most of us got so uninterested in waiting that we still left and headed to the bar. There is absolutely no excuse for the service we received, or insufficient when i should say and the meals was also poor.

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  • Şevval Tuna


    I had lunch time here last Might with my children and friends. I believe there were just two tables occupied. The very first thing I've noticed will be that the wall space were filled up with Chinese Artifacts. Appeared as if real Jade. But it is a pity that the lights isn'tdoing justice in their mind. The proper lighting could have made the complete place better. I assume this place really requires a facelift. Employees were very attentive. Foods wasn't as quick. I assume it was from the buffet section of the hotel. I am hoping management can do something to rejuvenate this cafe.

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  • Mervebetultoparlak


    The comments that follow belong not merely if you ask me but to the group I was with. We purchased birthday noodles, where in fact the noodles tasted - and appeared - burned. The seafood tasted muddy - you understand, the taste of inexpensive fish sourced from filthy fishponds? The asado tasted "porky" (sorry but that's how it had been described if you ask me). Pork preferences "porky" I'm told whether it's not fresh, not really of an excellent quality or not really seasoned properly. The duck had been bland, and also the poultry. The dessert has been the only real dish that preserved the food - egg tart ala setting. Somebody commented "Buti pa nag Dampa na lang tayo" (we should've attended Dampa). A whole rip-off. I cannot believe such a eating place would can be found in Manila Hotel.

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  • Halil


    Visited this restaurant due to the recommendation from the buddy. The pan-fried ocean bass with soy sauce had been excellent so has been the homemade spinach tofu with mushroom (of take note, I didn't notice any spinach on the tofu nonetheless it was totally divine) We alsohad spareribs with fragrant salt, minced beef soup, mix fried noodles Fujian design, salted seafood fried rice had been all excellent. I had not been so pleased with the appetizer of blended sucking pig ( it had been as well fatty) the roast duck (not really freshly prepared), century egg had been dried and tasteless, marinated jellyfish has been okay( a touch too nice for my taste) ,whitened boiled chicken was great with the ginger sauce though it had not been freshly cooked aswell. Overall, aside from the appetizers that people ordered. The meals was absolutely good.

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