
Isla Cafe


5 Reviews



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Isla Cafe Location

Pedro Gil Street 3rd Floor, Robinsons Place Manila, M Adriatico Street, Manila, Luzon 1000 Philippines

Isla Cafe is located at Pedro Gil Street 3rd Floor, Robinsons Place Manila, M Adriatico Street, Manila, Luzon 1000 Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Manila.The average price range at Isla Cafe is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Isla Cafe is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Manila area. There are different kinds of food in Isla Cafe that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Isla Cafe Reviews


5 Reviews

  • Ihda


    My mom noticed this quaint resto at Robinsons Manila and made a decision to give it a try. We proceeded to go in and seated ourselves since we noticed only one personnel and she was hectic with some other clients. We purchased Beef Salpicao, Pinakbet with Bagnet, Pansit Lucban and IslaHalo Halo Slush. The Pansit Lucban with vinegar has been excellent and the halo halo slush had been well known. The beef in salpicao has been too tough, otherwise it could have been so excellent. Exact same with the pakbet, the string coffee beans had been wilted and the squash had been still not tender however the bagnet was awesome. In the center of our dinner, another staff appeared and In fairness in their mind, these were courteous and friendly however they have a tendency to flock and chat in the cashiers area and 2 guys staff were also busy with their cell phones. We had been seated on the entry and we noticed a number of customers who have been waiting to become seated who simply left since nobody helping them. Another few who seated beside us, also left because no-one was taking their purchase. The area looks very clean however when I was going to eat, I saw that my fork was unclean and has a good small pancit in the center of the tines. Nonetheless it was just one single fork, my spoon and my mom's serviettes had been sparkling thoroughly clean. And the personnel was very apologetic. This café/resto includes a lot of potential, there have been just some misses which were very noticeable and may say a lot concerning the resto. I wish they have an excellent supervisor to oversee everything because their meals tastes so excellent and worth returning. We paid money since their charge card machine was offline.

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  • Lisbet Tjahjadi


    Over time I've tried everything on the menu, and they are all quite good. The best may be the pancit with bagnet. But their noodles are basically good. I really like their putos as well. And the cucumber drinking water. They make this unusual mint shake which isyummy. All in all a good location for a midafternoon Filipino snack (with the employees all in outfit, take note). It's on another ground of Robinsons Manila Mall, on the Pedro Gil wing.

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  • Arinaldi Ari


    It had been one afternoon and I'm by yourself malling and I all of a sudden craved for Pinoy merienda, and just what a perfect spot to find, in the center of Robinsons Manila. Purchased arroz caldo and puto also it had been what I craved for. Perfect midafternoon snack foods!!

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  • Nadya Fauzia Puspitasari


    We ordered arroz caldo for the very first time and We was impressed. I purchased arroz caldo on my 2nd visit still it really is just just how I very first tasted it. It isn't the carinderia kind of lugaw you get elsewhere since it has safron,an extremely expensive condiment. When offered it really is boiling hot and nicely seasoned. I'll definitely keep returning for this.

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  • Tingling Taste Buds


    Isla Cafe serves a few of the traditional Filipino favorites in a cozy atmosphere. The taste is great, the portion dimension generous, not to mention the price is really a little heftier in comparison to town carinderia. However, this is a pleasant place to possess a mealespecially if you are nostalgic for Filipino comfort and ease food.

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