
Coffee Project


7 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 7:00 - 12:00
  • Monday: 7:00 - 12:00
  • Tuesday: 7:00 - 12:00
  • Wednesday: 7:00 - 12:00
  • Thursday: 7:00 - 12:00
  • Friday: 7:00 - 12:00
  • Saturday: 7:00 - 12:00

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Coffee Project Location

Spark Place Second Floor P. Tuazon Boulevard Corner 10th Avenue, Quezon City, Luzon 1109 Philippines

Coffee Project is located at Spark Place Second Floor P. Tuazon Boulevard Corner 10th Avenue, Quezon City, Luzon 1109 Philippines. This is a Cafe restaurant near the Manila.The average price range at Coffee Project is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 7:00 - 12:00.Coffee Project is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Manila area. There are different kinds of food in Coffee Project that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Coffee Project Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Hande Sandor


    Rejoice! for all those whose choose espresso as their medication of choice, it is a titillating discover... Read on when i share my recent expertise. This review is for the precise branch, situated in Cubao, Quezon city - the positioning is 10/10! It's beautiful on theoutside, the woods and the lights hanging as though inviting you to can be found in... just like a seductress in a cabaret - quite enticing... I gave to my carnal (ehem, gastronomic) wish and went inside. To flawlessly describe my feelings when i went inside, my eye had been delighted of the inside. It's such as a garden - therefore spacious therefore gorgeous. This should be a location for proposal to obtain that 'yes' from your own much loved. Every nooks and part is so instagrammable, I really like the lighting, the decoration, the leather chair. It really is perfect, it's this type of visual assault, hard-core! Now for the assistance... it really is an A+++ the employees from he counter, she supplied an excellent program. I felt no stress ordering, I experienced the original service that was directed at me as an initial time costumer. he personnel patiently waited when i browsed the menus. The best component is that my own space was not invaded (that's what I sensed). WHEN I was delightfully admiring the interiors, my purchase was ready for grab from the counter, actually - this is simply not a cheapo location. The espresso I ordered has been Vietnamese Latte and a slice of lustful and decadent Blueberry cheesecake, an ideal pairing I have to confess. The espresso is strong and incredibly satisfying when i watched droplets of rainfall descend from the windowpane, I felt like finding a warm hug atlanta divorce attorneys sip. The blueberry cake is certainly another tale. It is wealthy, sensual, erotic, wicked... this type of temptation! I savored every forkful and remembered every second. It was a good experience, so great I have to write a review. Many thanks TripAdvisor for giving all of us a platform to talk about our firsthand encounter/s, ideas to help travelers and the ones seeking new dining places, accommodations, attractions along with other listings. Keep upward the good work!

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  • Ethan L


    It was among those days when Personally i think want I needed a glass or two and the slice of cake to create me feel okay, it just thus happened this is actually the nearest coffee store in my workplace therefore i tried it. It’s the initial timeI’ve tried it, so, I have to say I’ve been very disappointed. After all, I had their reddish velvet cake, and it’s grainy. When I sliced it, the pieces sort of just scrambled round the plate; the matcha frappe, it certainly doesn’t flavor like matcha, tbh. I really like red velvet cake therefore can be matcha, but it’s the very first time I got dissatisfied from obtaining my favourite ‘comfort food.’ Also, We don’t really care just how much it expenses tho, but I believe with the product quality and flavor of what We ordered, it kinda appeared overpriced. Felt like it’s expensive for a thing that tastes like gum or whatevs. Not well worth my penny, really. Hence, I don’t desire to stick to the negative side. I have to say this place comes with an amusing atmosphere. It’s instagrammable tho - no photobombers for example since they don’t as a rule have that much clients. But didn’t take pictures inside anyway, since i have was so occupied getting frustrated by my food.

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  • Oguz Bilecik


    Me and my pal did try this coffee task, we tried their espresso my friend purchase latte and me we tried mocha, i’m not necessarily fan of coffee result in i get unwell whenever i drink a single but still we tried, all i could say thecoffee is excellent even the atmosphere os excellent not chaotic such as starbucks here it is possible to relax more while drinking espresso or feeding on. the only real problem we encountered may be the buzzer is not functioning which why we waited for nearly 20 mins for a hot coffee. 私たちは再び来る

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  • Robibori


    The coffee is alright but why is the coffee shop stick out may be the ambiance and the stunning interior. It creates me rest when I go to the shop. The personnel were nice aswell.

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  • Steven Wijaya


    The place is indeed stylish, chic and fancy. The meals is also yummy specifically the blueberry cheesecake and the crimson velvet cake. I purchased matcha tea frappe. Bitter but alright. However the best thing this is actually the experience in the shop as the place isdam good.

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