
Auntie Anne's


7 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Auntie Anne's Location

Level 2 Robinsons Galleria, Quezon City, Luzon Philippines

Auntie Anne's is located at Level 2 Robinsons Galleria, Quezon City, Luzon Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Manila.The average price range at Auntie Anne's is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Auntie Anne's is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Manila area. There are different kinds of food in Auntie Anne's that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 2 631 7626.

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Auntie Anne's Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Kartika Touw


    We were initially searching for frozen yoghurt but couldn't find a single so she asked me easily wanted to attempt Auntie Anne's. Curious, I said yes since i have have not attempted pretzels before. The very first thing that I noticed had been the enticingaroma whenever we approached the kiosk. I purchased a mug of almond pretzels and caramel dip. I acquired a bit, dipped it in the sauce and, when I tasted it, all I possibly could muster has been "wow!" It experienced a wealthy, milky taste, like breads sticks soaked in condensed milk after that fried. It was somewhat crunchy and chewy. Amazingly, the caramel dip isn't too fairly sweet. It complemented the wealthy flavor of the prestzels. That is one of those delicious morsels of meals which will brighten one's day. Actually comforting and satisfying. Cost is a little bit steep at P90 for a glass of pretzels and caramel dip nonetheless it was worth it.

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  • M Rahmawan Mahendra


    Love this place ,or even must i say keosk, the main one in Robinsons location is great ,good couple of workers, the make an effort to please, cheap inexpensive snacks.

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  • Alvin Abyan


    Try various flavours on your own pretzels! Dusted with various toppings make these instead addictive!

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  • Venty Ika


    In fact, the branch we ate within was at the low ground floor of Fairview Terraces. Tinamad lang ako mag include pa ng site because of this review. Anyway... I have already been going on the espresso tasting rounds of the various establishments instead of Starbucksin conditions of price. I'm not really in to the gourmet espresso thingy anymore and contains since shifted to ordinary brewed. At Starbucks, a high glass of Caffe Latte reaches Php 125 that i think the worthiness is a lot more on the name compared to the espresso itself (but that's my estimation). Furthermore, their brew is indeed strong it creates me dizzy afterwards. In addition, it leaves having an acid stomach. Every day, I'm a Dunkin Donut espresso guy because: (1) It is the nearest espresso alternative near our office beyond Starbucks; (2) It's inexpensive @ Php 40 for a medium cup; and (3) It's sufficient to satiates my as soon as each day caffeine trip. Nevertheless, like Starbucks, it simply leaves me having an acid abdomen. But hey, beggars can not be choosers! So far, the very best brewed coffee We had was at French Baker but that's for another evaluation. Hmmm...dapat yata nauna yung evaluation na yun bago dito. Continue... Today, I was getting my coffee craving and saw Auntie Anne's while my partner shopped on her behalf baking needs. They don't really have an promoted combo with espresso however they do have espresso and Belgian Chocolate upgrades designed for Php 20. THEREFORE I ordered for espresso with simple Pretzel which established me back again by Php 105l. The very first thing I notice about their coffee was its insufficient aroma. Usually, a freshly brewed java oozes with earthy tastes but Auntie Anne's acquired a very weak odor to it. When I poured in the powdered creamer it had been noticeably tough to dissolve even though the brew was warm. How come that? The premonition of its insufficient aroma translated to its insufficient taste. It appeared that the creamer overwhelmed the espresso also it was like lotion in warm water. It was disappointing! Their Belgian Chocolate was better combination with the Pretzel. Buti nalang their working crew relatively rescued this check out from overall disaster with her happy disposition. Honestly I was earned over when she provided a free taste of these Cheese Pretzel Dog that actually tasted good!

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  • YP. Jajomi


    My personal favourite may be the cinnamon sugars pretzel. I could call this my convenience food. The very hot pretzels (you need to obtain it) dipped in to the butter and later on into cinnamon and glucose. AA has many various kinds of freshly baked smooth pretzels, nuggetsand stix. AA is around Phillipines great malls and within Singapore and Malaysia.

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