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Kaona Grill


1 Reviews




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Kaona Grill Location

Kaona Grill is located at Wilson Street, Barangay Apas Lahug, Mandaue 6000 Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Mandaue.The average price range at Kaona Grill is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Kaona Grill is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Mandaue area. There are different kinds of food in Kaona Grill that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 231-8539.

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Kaona Grill Reviews


1 Reviews

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  • Enes Topkaya


    I lived within Cebu for 5 years and I started likely to this restaurant within 2002. I'm a foodie, also to this day, that is still the best restaurant. Each time I'm in Cebu, without exceptions, I consume at least one time in this restaurant. Sowhat's so great about it? The meals. They serve Filipino foods and Personally i think proud stating that. They really give it justice. Once you go to, try out their baked scallops, tortang talong, their grilled poultry and pork stomach, their tuna tummy, the kinilaw, their lychee slush, etc. All you order is just great, but to be certain, allow your server know very well what type of dish you need and let them offer you their recommendations. The ambiance - I've always liked the vibe of the place. It's open atmosphere (but they possess an air-conditioned space aswell), the staff are helpful, the food is excellent, the drinks are cool and inexpensive, etc. What more would you ask for? I'm an area and I adore the meals here. So if you are a foreigner and you also wanna try our nearby dish, you should take a look place out. Incidentally, i Do not own the area nor have any stake inside it. It's just the best restaurant.

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