
Starbucks - Greenbelt 1 Level 1


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Starbucks - Greenbelt 1 Level 1 Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Baba Mahanta


    If you are a pesto lover then your poultry pesto & cheese sandwich is crucial try, you can even put in a blueberry cheesecake to check and enjoy the entire experience.

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  • Christine Joy Tayson


    I loved the buying at the Greenbelts in Makati, also it was so great to stop for a good coffee plus some great meals. The service was superb and location ideal. The area was full and tough to obtain seating, which is a sign ofhow popular Starbucks will be in Makati. The number of food though was restricted and I wouldnt say this is actually the place to venture out for a supper, but certainly an instant fresh bite with a coffee or additional non alcoholic beverage is perfect.

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  • Loren Rivera


    Surviving in Seattle just next door through the Belltown Starbucks (strolling distance from shop #1) and journeying the world you arrived at expect a certain sort of latte, that's exactly why I really like Starbucks. It's constant, the amount of service is normally predictable (Thailand isa little bit off) but for probably the most component they create a consistent product. I love that store is open previous midnight and the atmosphere is excellent. I've had cols beverages often but tonight I purchased a double high latte. The machines listed below are the "original" Una Marzocco machines so it is around the barista to stream the milk and pull shots correctly. I could let you know that none of the supervisors that evening knew how exactly to stream milk properly. About three secs with the wand at the top and they just allow milk cook because the pitcher sat on the grate with the wand on underneath of the pitcher. It burned my tongue, the lactose was burned and the foam had not been a thick cap since it should be. I talked in their mind after obtaining a refund (following the minute attempt) and told them they ought to get some good training. They seemed really serious but who knows. Atmosphere great, simply no wifi (mall wifi just) usually very occupied and the blended drinks are "normal".

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  • Lianda


    I went there today to buy a espresso and sandwich. I produced the mistake of having to pay with my charge card. After ten minutes of have a problem with their POS terminal, the employees informed me they have issue with the terminal. I examined immediately myCitibank online declaration and noticed that I was dual billed. I showed the twice billing to the supervisor who kept on informing me that the dealings didn't go through despite getting the online SOA before his eye. He refused to void the dealings and I made a decision to leave the store irate and disappointed. Without drinking my espresso, without taking in my sandwich, getting wasted 20 moments of my period and getting double billed. Its most likely the worst service We saw in 12 many years surviving in the Philippines; Incompetent group unable to use correctly a POS terminal and obnoxious supervisor: Customer support at its most severe. Avoid this place by any means if you don't like being cheated and patronized!

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  • Rahilarazip


    Individuals were really friendly as of this store. They actually spelled my name correct which ja excellent. Not really everyone gets it right

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Starbucks - Greenbelt 1 Level 1 Location

1st Floor, Greenbelt 1, Ayala Center Legaspi Street, Makati, Luzon Philippines

Starbucks - Greenbelt 1 Level 1 is located at 1st Floor, Greenbelt 1, Ayala Center Legaspi Street, Makati, Luzon Philippines. This is a Cafe restaurant near the Makati. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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