


5 Reviews


₱ 750 / Person


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Marciano's Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Kelvin Chandra


    Before I watched the last full show of  Dr. Strange, I had  dinner with my brokerage boss  and his family together with my co broker here in Marciano's.  This is part of the  restaurants of Marvin Agustin co owns and this is of more of the  American diner themed resto. We got the calamari, fish and chips for starters and it was a bit oily but sinfully prepared that is  typical of American food. Then I got their pumpkin based cream soup  that always hits the spot for me.  Their signature salad  complimented the soup that I had all the ingredients enough for me to be filled. I was surprised and did enjoy the Spinach and Prosciutto pizza which had enough flavors to  mix well that is good for my palette. Allthough  it didn't end well with their Southern Fried chicken which was a bit salty for me  that I can't finish the whole piece. Personally I would  order some selections but I have to take note of some of the hits and misses of this restaurant as it is a bit pricy for some that are not for sharing.

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  • Eka Sulistiawati


    Worst service. Drinks took an hour to make, also staff tried charging us for a drink that they didn't have which we replaced. Got scolded by the waitress for getting the wrong order, told waitress that we wanted spaghetti with meatballs but was given the appetizer instead. Food was so so, pasta was not al dente, steak was thin and malnourished, chicken looked liked it was cooked from the freezer, overcooked on the outside bloody red in the inside. Will definitely not be coming back and will be telling my friends not to go here.

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  • Stefani19911


    After watching Dr.Strange with the boyfie we decided to try at Marciano's. Actually, We just passed by the resto and then turn our back around to try because we've been always dining at buffet restaurants. Hahaha. Happily they didn't failed us. I love the ambience, I love their baked oyster with mushroom!! 😍 and also the seafood marinara pasta and vegetable salad (forgot the exact dish name). Definitely worth a try. :)

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  • Ferkat Kurultay


    My holiday celebrations finally started last Saturday with a dinner I arranged with few of my college block mates. To be honest, we didn’t decide on where to eat before we met up at the mall in Makati so deciding where to eat that night was considerably spontaneous. While I was waiting for them to arrive (COS THEY WERE ALL LATE, LIKE 3 HOURS LATE… I AM NOT KIDDING) I had a couple of hours to spare to check some good places around although I really didn’t get to explore the whole area as there were a lot of people there (it’s Saturday night so you know what I mean). When nearly half of the people I expected to join for dinner arrived, I made sure to encourage them to decide where to eat already. We roamed around for a bit but ended up eating at Marciano’s at the second level of Greenbelt 3.

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  • Jessil Dumaran


    Dined here for Noche Buena. We weren't happy with our decision. With the pricey items, we found nothing special. We had Calamari, Beef Tenderloin with Sausage, Truffle Mushroom Risotto, Grilled Salmon in Dill Sauce, and Sophia's Vongole. All just good, not exceptional or remarkable.

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Marciano's Location

Level 2, Greenbelt 3, Ayala Center, Greenbelt, Makati City

Marciano's is located at Level 2, Greenbelt 3, Ayala Center, Greenbelt, Makati City. This is a American restaurant near the Greenbelt. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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