Dakasi Philippines
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Dakasi Philippines


7 Reviews




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Dakasi Philippines Reviews


7 Reviews

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  • Miniko


    Been returning to dakasi for quite sometime now, really enjoyed their milkteas especially the oreo flavored one. Very reasonable for the total amount and quality of beverages being served

  • Erçetin Kuyucu


    I've dined at Dakasi in Festival Mall and SM Sta. Rosa branches and I really like their milk teas! Their shops are also quite spacious and fine to hold out in. And they also serve nachos now!

  • Alyssa Danielle Tan


    Their milk tea are virtually the same price because the various other specialty milk tea shops in the Philippines, but their milk teas are much like Happy Lemon. Their milk teas are usually creamier when compared to others. I really like their pearls since they sometime offermini-pearl sinkers.

  • ALexandrea MoLera


    I've always loved their beverages, their creme beverages especially. This is actually the best option to crowded coffee shops.

  • Anjanellerika13


    Very awful service! Ordered Blueberry Milktea previous, while these were preparing my beverages I overheard the employees shouting to the cashier "wala na tayo blueberry (theres forget about blueberry) hindi na kaya itong dalawa (there's insufficient for these final two orders)" therefore i walkedto the claiming region and waited should they will request me to improve my order. However they still handed myself my drink, therefore i assumed the blueberry beverages that he discussed were for some other clients. I QUICKLY rushed to the cinema because our film was going to start. Then while in the cinema, I started drinking, however the Milktea had simply no flavor, Walang lasa! They nevertheless provided me the Milktea understanding it had been incomplete and lacking the necessary ingredients! I understand it tasted wrong as the other drink We ordered (Strawberry) had taste and items of strawberry. However when you drink the main one labeled blueberry it tasted like drinking water with possibly a teaspoon of milk. That's how it tasted, no trace of blueberry at all. Lesson learned, ALWAYS Flavor YOUR MILKTEA BEFORE Leaving behind THE STORE. Never heading back to DAKASI once again, simply no wonder other branches have already been closing during the past months. Glad I held my receipt therefore i have proof.

  • Calvin Angeles


    Blueberry yogurt was the best until today. The beverage was bland. The shop person said they lately changed formulation. Yucch. Sorry.

  • Carmels


    I usually ordered from Get before. Today I don’t think they're in Grab Foods. I really like oreo milk tea plus additional oreos! Actual store is wonderful. You can find chairs for customers, nonetheless it can nevertheless get packed. Prices have become reasonable.

Dakasi Philippines Location

Dakasi Philippines is located at Ground Floor, Dela Rosa Carpark 1, Makati, Luzon Philippines. This is a Cafe restaurant near the Makati. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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