


2 Reviews



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Cafe-quay Location

Abellanasco Cor. Profugo St. Not far from Pacific Mall, Lucena City, Luzon Philippines

Cafe-quay is located at Abellanasco Cor. Profugo St. Not far from Pacific Mall, Lucena City, Luzon Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Lucena.The average price range at Cafe-quay is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Cafe-quay is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Lucena area. There are different kinds of food in Cafe-quay that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 920 968 9260.

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Cafe-quay Reviews


2 Reviews

  • Muchi Gonzalez


    Lucena City is filled with restaurant, junk food, Filipino foods, hab-hab, however they are all somehow exactly the same, few will be the restaurant that stick out for being not the same as the usual. Cafe Quay differs, it offers that difference that means it is a very important gemin the midst of the lookalike masses. It also sticks out for it being clear and tidy. A very important factor that I examine, as a tell-tale of the cafe quality, may be the cleanliness of the bathroom .. The idea is, should they can't become bothered to completely clean toilets, chances are usually that they can't end up being bothered to completely clean and to look after all the rest. The food is great, various as in more international cuisine and incredibly well presented. The price is not too much and inexpensive and the beverages are something to become tried. Staff is friendly and competent, not too invasive, but current if you want them. Overall, an excellent experience to test, specially in case you are doing buying in Pacific Mall, that's just a few minutes going for walks distance (I understand, Filipino can't stand walking, end up being we do...).

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  • Karline Chuongco


    Cafe Quay is really a small near fine dining location. The resto seats no more than 20-25, however the interiors are usually cozy chic. The employees are courteous. Been right here for only 3 x and Let me say that their meals taste really improved (in comparison toones with great going bland following a year of company). Its an excellent location for dates or large client meeting👍

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