
Mr. Park's Bread and Cakes


4 Reviews



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Mr. Park's Bread and Cakes Location

B. F Resort, Las Pinas City, Las Pinas, Luzon 1704 Philippines

Mr. Park's Bread and Cakes is located at B. F Resort, Las Pinas City, Las Pinas, Luzon 1704 Philippines. This is a Cafe restaurant near the Las Piñas.The average price range at Mr. Park's Bread and Cakes is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Mr. Park's Bread and Cakes is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Las Piñas area. There are different kinds of food in Mr. Park's Bread and Cakes that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Mr. Park's Bread and Cakes Reviews


4 Reviews

  • Usha Fatnia Audrinisa


    Directly after we had our dinner coming, we thought of searching for dessert. After that we discovered this Dessert store. The pastries are tasty. You can remove or dine in. They will have different drinks aswell. Visited on July 16, 2016.

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  • Aloysiusefraim


    I have often patronized Mr. Parks in Alabang (Molito branch) because of their breads. So significantly have been mentioned (and praised) about them. Traffic is definitely a problem therefore i don't visit it very much often. Nevertheless, I was definitely thrilled to visit a brand-new branchin BF Resort that is very much nearer to my house. I today had the chance to explore other products instead of just enter the shop, pick up the best breads and pastries and instantly leave. Sit back meal, here I move. Oh my, their lotion soup in a loaf of bread bowl can be an absolute delight. Flawlessly paired with strawberry jam, I actually finished the dinner, in every its creamy glory, to the final crumb.

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  • Zaki Aulia


    We tried their Molito branch and the area was very sweet and comfy. It offers ample space and contains bright and hot interiors. It certainly makes you desire to remain and linger and also have a chat with friends and family. Maybe because we attained 2ambut there wasn't much food choice within their already limited menus.We wished to try the pane pasta nonetheless it was not available thus we ordered the initial teokbokki and the lotion soup. I've tasted much better teokbokki but if you are really craving because of this particualr Korean dish or something spicy, this can do. I love the cream soup. Once again not the very best soup actually but I love that the serving had been huge also it was offered in a loaf of bread bowl so you obtain refillable strawberry jam (that is excellent) for the breads. My friend inquired for butter for the loaf of bread but staff said that they had none. I have no idea should they ran out or they basically have none. I furthermore like their cafe macchiato. Korean songs was playing really noisy that people asked them to show down the quantity because we can not hear one another. Service is okay. There were just 3 tables occupied but service had not been fast. We need to request thrice for one glass of drinking water. But its fine that they are open 24/7. They will have wifi and a convenience room. Their bread choice is interesting plus they offer 30% lower price everynight at 10pm. I'm thinking about attempting it when I keep coming back.

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  • Venus Chan-Orlina


    The shrimp oil pasta to the Italian carbonara was salty. Self assistance water. The waiter also served our foods to a new guest. And there is a large Black FLY. They certainly lighting a candle but that has been it. I might mot have attempted theirpastry however but Maybe they ought to stay on pastries and continue studying concerning the quality and service.

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