
Yatai Ramen Restaurant


7 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Yatai Ramen Restaurant Location

1300, Pasay, Luzon Philippines

Yatai Ramen Restaurant is located at 1300, Pasay, Luzon Philippines. This is a Seafood restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Yatai Ramen Restaurant is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Yatai Ramen Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Yatai Ramen Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 6325561839.

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Yatai Ramen Restaurant Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Rajena


    In case you are craving for yummy fresh seafood, check out "dampa" or "seafood paluto dining places" near SM MOA. Simply make sure to end up being there early because they have limited car parking space and the area could easily get packed easily specifically on weekends. We attempted Yatai Ramenand we're not really disappointed with the meals quality. It is possible to order clean seafood from their website or bring your personal (should be purchased from the close by market) and also have it cook how you desire it. There are a great number of choices in their menus. Waiters are knowledgeable. Simply take note that the area can get noisy.

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  • Tasaa


    That is our 3rd time here, Sadly we saw a COOK fly inside our butter garlic shrimp and a live life cockroach crawling inside our table however the manager ms. Herlyn do what he do greatest, deny everything and clarify that it was not really their fault....O sige na dala na namin ung langaw at ipis tapos ikinalat namin sa eating place... :( Definetyl were not returning!

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  • Ema Gunawan


    For all of us Filipinos, we'll definitely come across nothing fancy concerning this cafe except that the meals is really good. But also for foreigners probably, that is something they're longing to have within their country. We have been here maybe once or twice and still likely to beback. They make the way you requested. Employees were attentive and genuine nice.

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  • Yen Ying


    This is our second time and energy to visit this restaurant. Foods is fresh and may be bought on the market at the back again. Then you can pick the method they prepare it. If you're a wine lover, far better buy your wines in the liquorstore close by. Cheaper and a lot of choices. They simply include Php 200 corkage fee per bottle, that is reasonable. Furthermore live music at night. Among the best Filipino dining places I have consumed in Metro Manila since i have came within 1991.

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  • Ran


    been here years back and discover this place good in order to dine..but these days im dissapointed due to the subsequent: 1. plates are usually plastic and old. 2. no drinking water at the lavatory for cleaning hands. 3. service not really satisfactory (no serving spoons on meals served, have toask for glass once you order a bottles drinking water.) but service charge are being charged. 4.cooking charge are quite expensive 5. you can be asked to indication a waiver when bringing home unconsumed foods .. disgusting notion of the management. will never get back to this place.

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