
XO Kitchen


6 Reviews



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XO Kitchen Reviews


6 Reviews

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  • Josephine Yoan Christabel


    we tried this cafe after reading good evaluations in blogs. we went there at close to 9:00pm on the wednesday and we were the only real ones there. we purchased the XO Kitchen area Beef Unique, Yang Chow rice and Sambal Kangkong. Beef - tender and good sauce,but we didnt think it is that tasty yang chow rice - very nice :) sambal kangkong - we wish it's a little more spicy, but it's tasty sufficient and complements the dish sufficiently we also tried 2 forms of buchi for dessert: ferrero and pastillas. Funny plenty of, the pastillas costed fifty percent the cost of the ferrero type, but we adored the pastillas and weren't really amazed with the ferrero types. The ferrero types didn't complement the buchi along with the creamy melted pastillas :) service was great, but, we were the only real customers, so it is hard to guage them by that certain experience. we will almost certainly eat here once again. I want to attempt the the seafood with mango sauce and a dish making use of their XO sauce :)

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  • Abhishekashu16


    With the "Best Filipino Restaurant" awards it has collected, I had anticipation. Can't blame me. I'm uncertain if it was one among their "off times" but my pal and I had been so disappointed with the meals (soup in clay pot had been LUKEWARM,NOT PIPING HOT) and the empanadas had been blah. Do the waitress neglect to grab and deliver these goodies en pronto to your table? We waited Over fifty percent hour, for certain. We were currently getting annoyed with the "Señorita this, Señorita that" vocabulary of the waitress who definitely mouthed those ranges mechanically and without sincerity. Whenever we made a decision to skip dessert (and extra ourselves another hr of waiting) and have for the bill, nobody looked our way. Exactly the same method no one found sit us whenever we arrived. Just like the wait personnel were around (just 3 tables had been occupied) yet no-one minding us! How irritating will be that? If kitchen area is getting an off day time, the serving crew appeared as if they're better off going for a leave.

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  • Mohamed Riaz


    We were actually here greater than a few of times because the restaurant exposed. From the facade, you can observe that the restaurant appears like they are offering comfort food. The atmosphere looks really relax. But after going through their meals and the restaurantambiance, we cease going there completely since there is nothing improving and it appears that everything gets worse!

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  • Leong Ee Lynn


    We was at XO eating place once but I've always been interested in this standalone restaurant along Jupiter. Works out they serve great Fil-Chinease cuisine and you may even buy frozen stuff like dimsum for the home cooking. An absolute must quit for lunchor dinner as well as afternoon tea.

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  • Muhammad Ainuddin Mohamad Rusli


    With such elegant decoration and good service. The food arrived in as a disappointment. Order several dishes plus some were good, almost all were average. I wonder for like price as well, I really do expect more.

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XO Kitchen Location

134 Jupiter Street Bel-Air 2, Makati, Luzon Philippines

XO Kitchen is located at 134 Jupiter Street Bel-Air 2, Makati, Luzon Philippines. This is a Chinese Food restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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