
Way Tugpahay Siomai sa Tisa


9 Reviews



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Business hours
  • Sunday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Monday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Tuesday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Wednesday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Thursday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Friday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Saturday: 12:00 - 23:59

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Way Tugpahay Siomai sa Tisa Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Cathy


    This Carenderia (local equivalent for fastfood) is quite popular at night. It really is actually a hole in the wall structure at the part of Katipunan and F. Llamas Sts. They place tables ON the road at night. What attracted myself to try the area was aFacebook write-up that Vice Ganda (an extremely popular actor comedian) came right here to eat one night time recently. My companion is really a big fan of the celebrity. In order to avoid the crowds we went there for breakfast because they are open 24/7. They serve just one sort of siomai (Chinese steamed dumpling) as viand. I believed the siomai should be very great for the area to be extremely popular. There were no some other clients as people normally usually do not eat siomai for breakfast. However my companion refused to consume there due to the ambiance or insufficient it. So we made a decision to order for remove. The staff were friendly and service was fast. The staff claimed they are the initial Siomai sa Tisa. Tisa is currently most properly known because of their siomai. This corner includes a cluster of Carenderias all helping and claiming to function as authentic siomai sa Tisa. Whenever we tasted the siomai for supper We understood why the area is quite popular. The siomai tasted as effective as or much better than those in the more costly top quality dimsum restaurants.

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  • Antoni Wanggai


    If you're located close to the Tisa and you're craving for a spicy food that could satisfy your tastebud you then Siomai sa Tisa will be the best. It is rather affordable. It is possible to bring your band of friends and also have some Siomai.

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  • Jonathan David


    Siomai sa tisa is the greatest were having a great time eating there where slightly bet curious why many people keep discussing siomai sa tisa today our curiosity is cured the very best siomai ever

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  • Ysabelleguce


    I really do love siomai since. And i love how their siomai flavor. But the service isn't that good. I understand that its only a street food however, many of these server are deaf occasionally.

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  • William Jefferson


    Their siomai is crucial try. The range is quite long and but as soon as you get youre talk about youll surely your investment tiredness you sensed while waiting. Attempt their spicy siomai aswell.

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Way Tugpahay Siomai sa Tisa Location

Katipunan Street Tisa, Cebu City 6000 Philippines

Way Tugpahay Siomai sa Tisa is located at Katipunan Street Tisa, Cebu City 6000 Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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