


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Tsokolateria Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Meilisa Suto


    If you require a foodie dream, that is your place. Basic Lechon, prepared crispy with a little part of salad and a lovely roll are everywhere found, however the hot chocolate, wealthy, creamy, sweet, filled with body and aroma get this to a muststop along your Baguio route.

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  • Fikri Auzan


    Breakfast time. Another excellent discovery. Began with quezong puti lotion soup. To fill up our tank, we'd the Bacon Lechon Kawali and Salpicao Tapa. For the completing kick, Bibingka at itlog na maalat. Needless to say its not really Tsokolateria if we dont have got the Tsokolata Ahin a pretty metal pitcher. What a solution to start... @ Tsokolateria

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  • Adi Yulian


    I must point out the champorado is crucial try the very best champorado that i tried up to now. As well as the tablea drink would be the reason to return again.

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  • Elisa Nancylia


    We'd tsamporado, tsokolateria eh, I had fish w/ dark brown rice (yum!), my nephew got churros pancake, my some other nephew had all of the diff longanisa's (oily, beware!) and my cousin acquired tapa that was chewy. My purchase was delicious also it went very well with chocolatedrink which had plenty of cocoa, yum! We grow cocoa in the Philippines but I was raised liking Hershey's and those chocolate drink brand names that I didn't understand were a cocoa producing nation. I then found out we had been a cocoa supply in Chocolate Country in Antwerp, Belgium and in the Chocolate Museum in Cologne, Germany. The items you learn overseas fascinates me and i promised to consume and drink much more cocoa items when I'm in the Philippines because nothing at all beats freshness.

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  • King Robeartwo


    We’ve had a good encounter before that’s why we managed to get a point to go to again. However the second period we visited, we had been disappointed by the atmosphere, the meals and the servers. The chocolate on the fondue had not been enough, it was simply like2 Cr spoons of chocolate put into a pot also it was actually served cool. The pot even was included with a candle holder however when we questioned for a candle to melt the chocolate on the pot, the servers informed us they don’t do this. Why do they also contact it a fondue and work it on a fondue pot? Not at all worth the purchase price. Their gourmet pandesal had been disappointing as well. It didn’t flavor as appetizing since it looks on the menu. It had been not tasty at all. The soup tasted enjoy it was produced from a power kettle or something. There's an aftertaste, we are able to almost taste the steel or plastic material on wherever it had been cooked. In addition they didn’t supply utensils, plates and tissue, we nevertheless had a need to ask. They simply placed the meals on our desk without ensuring we've everything we required. It was the contrary of what we’ve encountered before.

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Tsokolateria Location

Igorot Stairs, Upper Session Rod, Baguio City, Baguio, Luzon Philippines

Tsokolateria is located at Igorot Stairs, Upper Session Rod, Baguio City, Baguio, Luzon Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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