
Toyo Eatery


10 Reviews


₱ 1,000 / Person

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  • Tuesday: 18:30 - 23:30
  • Wednesday: 18:30 - 23:30

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Toyo Eatery Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • AG The Food Lover


    I visited this eating place because We heard it was contained in the top 50 best dining places in Asia. It didn't disappoint. Everything at Toyo from the decor to the meals was finished with style and a watch for detail. The cafe has a minimalisticaesthetic and contains a trendy really feel to it. We chosen the set menus (1600 PHP) which include around 6 meals. The laundry are Filipino which were elevated to a haute cuisine degree, that is not surprising because the chef and proprietor of the eating place trained at the Body fat Duck (3 Michelin superstars) in the U.K. His talent actually shows through his meals. Ingredients are usually sourced locally and mixed to make for a forward thinking and well executed dinner. Every dish had been stellar. I also attempted among the cocktails that was fantastic. Usually in top quality restaurants the environment is quite tense and uptight. However at Toyo Eatery, chef Jordy Navarro has were able to develop a space where foods of the highest high quality is offered in a peaceful and homely way. Our server, Steve, quite definitely contributed to the and produced this a unforgettable experience. This restaurant possibly deserves a Michelin superstar but also for now it nevertheless remains a lot more of a concealed gem. Hopefully it benefits more recognition soon since it is really worth the visit.

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  • Lyz Fbn


    Filipino components elevated to global cuisine. I has been expecting the normal "Filipino fusion/modern" but this cafe is nothing but standard. Each dish delights the senses and actually, surprises with the direction they utilized the, otherwise, conventional Filipino ingredients. And the employees, the whole teamwere good. No pretentions, and completely sincere at interacting and explaining the laundry to the guests. In case a Michelin star ranking is about a location that's worth your time and effort to go to, i quickly believe Toyo deserves at the very least a star.

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  • Abigail Melody | KainSociety


    We dont know why this location is rated as a high resto in makati We went there and the area was packed. the waiters weren't as attentive because the other testimonials claimed. food had not been that great specifically the price your spending money on it.THe presentation of the laundry were nice. but nonetheless lacking in flavor. absolutely nothing to crave about. am i going to go back here? most likely not. I actually expect this resto to near in a 12 months

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  • JhoLard


    I actually dined at Toyo this past year when We visited the Philippines and totally loved it. Previously this season they were named among Asia’s 50 Greatest and deservedly therefore! I was luckily enough to go to again this month plus some of the menuitems possess changed, but I in fact enjoyed the meal a lot more these times. The food continues to be delicious and the assistance is top notch. You obtain about 10-ish courses however the servings are ideal. My favourite continues to be the the tuyo macaron, new favourites are the tortang talong. The BBQ is usually delish as often. We prefer to travel the planet to test restaurants and I'd need to say Toyo is certainly in my own top three, perfectly under Eleven Madison Recreation area and Noma, therefore that’s very good company!

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  • Dañella Ailah S. Aquino


    In the initial couple of months of its short living, this location was wonderfully fresh, imaginative and enthusiastic, using its cuisine filled with eclectic and original flavors. One utilized to put on with the long generate, the weird place, and the highly nerve-racking two sittings inone night time almost gladly. That is all long gone. Gimmicks have changed originality: it really is hard to remain authentic and imaginative for a long period without considerable hard work, and recently the chef has obviously preferred to assemble substances at random to check different, rather than spending some time testing real brand new recipes. Simultaneously, the personnel, who was previously friendly and attentive, in addition has been spoiled by achievement, and its previous freshness and enthusiasm have already been changed by arrogance, fatuity and negligence. A faithful returning consumer who brings a lot more than half-a-dozen visitors every few months will never be greeted or identified. The chef won't bother ahead and say hello as soon as. In the event that you came for the initial service, you're told, between your meal, which you have only a few mins left, and so are then unceremoniously delivered before dessert, and a long time before another customers have arrived. You are delivered, to complete your meal, within their bakery shop (!), , nor make an effort to sit instead within their decent outdoors region to possess your dessert: that is against their plan, period. If you're likely to Toyo Eatery for genuine value, instead of its fame predicated on previous and vanishing exploits, think.

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Toyo Eatery Location

2316 Chino Roces Ave, Makati, Luzon 1231 Philippines

Toyo Eatery is located at 2316 Chino Roces Ave, Makati, Luzon 1231 Philippines. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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