
Tonkatsu by terazawa


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Tonkatsu by terazawa Location

Greenbelt 2, Makati, Luzon Philippines

Tonkatsu by terazawa is located at Greenbelt 2, Makati, Luzon Philippines. This is a Japanese restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Tonkatsu by terazawa is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Tonkatsu by terazawa is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Tonkatsu by terazawa that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Tonkatsu by terazawa Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Febryansyah Ramadhan


    We tried the udon, the curry, tempura not to mention the tonkatsu. Many were delicious, just the curry was typical. For 5 we invested peso 2175. That is not at all cheap eats, but given that they provided limitless salad and rice. This may be considered goodvalue.

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  • Octafta


    We surprised a member of family for a supper here. The area was small when we surely got to sing the birthday music, it echoed through the area. The meals was delicious but additional restaurants have much better offering. The personnel were helpful but possibilities for improvementcan be done. The cafe had a stylish but cozy experience. It had been a plus.

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  • Indra Suwindra


    Decided to consume japanese and noticed this resto. Their foods isn't that pricey evaluate to some other japanese katsu restos in manila. Their Tonkatsu sauce is really a lemony. But nonetheless taste good. They will have an extremely accomodating and polite employees. They permitted us to stayuntil 11pm even though its sunday.

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  • Efe Ali Demir


    Great food, however our cabbage was soaking wet therefore i Didn't get to benefit from the limitless cabbage. Tried the katsudon, but understood that the TONKATSU has been better.

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  • Regi Stin


    We tried this location once we were finally inside the mood once again for Japanese meals after our latest extended visit to Japan and thought we'd attempt Tonkatsu by Terazawa. We'd passed by many times in recent times and noted it in no way seemed very active. Butwe went forward to provide it s try in any case. As it proved the meals was OK, nothing at all really bad with it but we've had better. The primary issues were that support was extremely lacklustre. We had been the only diners at that time and still the personnel seemed busy somewhere else or never very being mindful of us. Concerning the only period they actually tried to accomplish anything had been when it had been evident that the number of flies in the eating place converged on us and produced issues difficult - not wonderful to possess to suffer. Hard to essentially recommend as a location for dinner.

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