
The Wine Club


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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  • Monday: 15:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 15:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 15:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday: 15:00 - 22:00
  • Friday: 15:00 - 23:00
  • Saturday: 15:00 - 23:00

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The Wine Club Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Niti Krsnd Putri


    We enjoyed so very much the meals,wine and romantic songs. Feels like heaven... The service was excellent..do you want to sense lIke home

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  • Keziah Winson


    Husband and We were residing at a nearby resort in inclement weather, with tired hip and legs, and needed a location to eat dinner whilst our nanny held fort with the youngsters. I'd seen good evaluations of The Wine Golf club on TA but had not been particularly feelingin the disposition for good dining (in very informal attire) however I'm pleased we provided it a go. I'd actually contact it relaxed bistro eating with five star assistance. Our server has been the sweetest & most knowledgeable younger fellow who actually enhanced our experience along with his well-timed discussion and focus on our dining requirements. He recommended a tasty wine and we liked our mains immensely. Could have favored an alfresco dining scenario or perhaps a window to start to see the world outdoors but I assume the restaurant is usually constrained by its area. My only suggestions is always to add some great desserts to the menu also to get a collared clothing and dress trousers for the memorable server. Thank you with regard to a pleasant evening :)

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  • Hasliza.razali17


    This place doesn't get much foot traffic, but that is clearly a shame since it serves excellent international food, mainly Italian dishes with even some Hawaiian fare aswell... Their Calamari is exceptional and the pasta and pizza meals are as near genuine Italian as youcan enter this country, however they were even much better previously. Their chicken and meats dishes are great as well, plus they execute a decent cheese platter. They are most likely the leading distributor of Californian wines in the united kingdom, and you may enjoy their selection together with your meal. I do nothing like Californian wines individually, but they pair nicely with the food menus, and are the very best for the neighborhood Filipino palette (i.electronic. sweet). Service is quick and attentive, however when the place gets total (mostly on Thurs nights whenever a live band takes on Bossa Nova type songs) they seem a little overwhelmed. Only negatives will be the long term mosquito population, each and every time I come I appear to see a number of whizzing in relation to. The solo toilet furthermore gets pretty dirty sometimes. And if you are not a enthusiast of Californian wines, they just have a few French Sparkling wines plus some old, expired (i.electronic. oxidised till kingdom arrive) higher appellation French wines, therefore avoid those. It is a great spot to bring a date, go out with some friends, or even to bring a secret lover because you can for the most part times have the area all to your selves. Few people find out about this place, therefore make the most while you can.

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  • Kimi Subrata


    We'd bought a voucher for a 3-course supper to take pleasure from on a Friday, just what a letdown that was! You'll have thought they might try to make an impression on a bit at minimum since there have been few individuals and the chef acquired lots of period tomake it successful and see us returning, but no... It had been thrown collectively served in under 20 min prepared made just like a cafeteria.. Some type of tomato soup had been served as a beginner.. utterly boring served pretty much a simultanously once we sat down. No loaf of bread privately no feeling of experiencing something prepared for all of us only a a pre-ready mealwith no flavor or soul whatsoever. This is followed by a fairly exhausted caesar salad illuding to become a the next serving finally accompanied by some older,chewy, incredibly fatty shortribs associated with baby-carrots, brussel sprouts and baked wedged potatoes...all served in a rush with no flavor or any refinement. A wineglass filled up with minimal approx.15-20cl of redwine was the highlight of the meal. Nicely we wont be returning, ever! Complete disappointment. We had been in and from the place in significantly less than 40 min. for that which was supposed to become a nice Friday supper. Duh... The chef right here must be completely burned out or completely incompetent or both. They ought to stick with serving wines and inform their chef to get function in a karinderia where they don't really care about quality!

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  • Evan Ho


    A little quiet wine outlet with great food and incredibly friendly owners, it is a great place to gather with friends and revel in great reasonable wine with quite a few interesting dishes.

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The Wine Club Location

101 Aguirre Street Legaspi Village, Makati, Luzon 1229 Philippines

The Wine Club is located at 101 Aguirre Street Legaspi Village, Makati, Luzon 1229 Philippines. This is a Bar restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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